This Cleanse is Intermediate
What is it?
The single most important nutritional/physical action you can accomplish for your health is the successful complete cleansing of your Intestines, Liver and Gall Bladder.
Many have attempted this action, and there are numerous methods promoted today....however, very few take the proper preparatory steps to achieve maximum results. After 31 years of hard-earned, trials and tribulations delivering thousands of cleanses...Dr Betsy makes mention to the important fact that "Proper preparation can make a 100% difference in the outcome - point blank."
Cleanse 8 is designed to properly prepare your system for a maximally effective Liver Gall Bladder Flush.
What will it do:
Cleanse your intestines and prepare your Liver and Gallbladder for maximally effective flushing.
How much does it cost?
This 10-14 day prep kit costs $252.00 and includes:
1 bottle G3001 Springreen Tablets
1 bottle G3002 Wheat Germ Oil
1 bottle G3003 Natural Vitamin C
1 bottle G3006 Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets
1 bottle G3008 Montmorillonite Detoxificant
1 bottle G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
1 free sample herbal supplement tablets
2 bottles G5007 Orthophosphoric Acid
1 bottle G5008 Inositol capsules
1 bottle G5009 Choline capsules
FREE Bonus Daily Health Program with each kit