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Heart Cell Nucleus Extract - 100 tablets
Heart Cell Nucleus Extract - 100 tablets
Our Price: $19.20

Product Code: G7003

Description Extended Information

Heart Cell
Nucleus Extract

Science tell us it is the cell nucleus that contains the first organizer of the protein structural form generated in normal cell growth and repair. The first organizer form generated is that fraction of the chromosome of the cell which catalyzes the synthesis of new cell protein in growth and repair. (Reference: Protomorphology by Hanson and Lee)

Heart Cell Nucleus Extract is a mineral product of the Heart Gland Cell Nucleus. It is a tissue extract intended to supply the specific determinant factors of the above mentioned organ and to aid in improving t he local nutritional environment for that organ.

Heart Anatomy and Physiology
Pumping blood through the body is a complex function, and the heart is a complex organ. Actually two high-pressure pumps in one housing, the heart sends blood into the lungs to absorb oxygen, then routes the oxygenated blood into the rest of the body. The heart is very responsive. When heavy exercise or emotional upset demands a greater supply of oxygen, heart output can double in a matter of seconds.

Factors, Symptoms and Signs related to Insufficient Heart Health:
Heart Attack is the leading cause of death in the United States. Glandular heart tissue supplies needed tissue nutrients to help maintain the normal physiological needs of the heart.

High blood pressure
Magnesium and potassium balance osmotic pressure in the heart cells and counteract high blood pressure. Glandular heart combined with these minerals for the normal physiological needs of the heart is an important consideration.

The natural nutrient factors of glandular heart tissue supplies nutrient needs for muscular function of not only the heart, but all muscle. Hence, it may be seen to lower blood sugar by increasing muscle demand Note that it may aggravate hypoglycemic conditions. May be seen to improve tissue tone by the effect on vascular muscle, arteriole wall.

Clinical Considerations
Prominent Clinical Signs and Symptoms
1. Loss of Muscle Integrity (Atrophy, weakness, tonus, prolapse, etc.)
2. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Failure of muscle cells to metabolize Glucose-glycogen)
3. Cardiac Weakness (Decompensation or failure due to lack of Muscle tonus, nutrition to cell)
4. Sedentary Occupations (Predisposing to heart failure)
5. Circulatory Problems (Due to tonus of musculature of arterial coats)
Possible Etiological Background of the above:
Heart Glandular for nutritional support factors, assists the entire muscular system by influencing the nutritional aspect of selective absorption range of the muscle cell membrane.

This selective range includes glucose uptake and is related to the important energy mechanism (ATP) this system, being particularly significant in the case of the diabetic and potential heart failure Heart PMG provides valuable nutrients .

Exercise is the usual activator of patients, particularly where such activity would not be advised.

Laboratory Test
Creatine (urine)
Need Shown By:
Pathologically found in wasting Muscular disease

Clinical Test
Diminished, elongated first sounds, Proportionately elevated second

General Considerations Clinical rationalization for the use of Heart glandular as a nutritional source:
The muscle tissue, particularly cardiac, is supported, supplying nutrients for the local nutritional environment of muscle cells

Important relation to carbohydrate metabolism via ATP mechanisms, as well as muscle integrity per se, must be considered.

1. As a potentiator of nutrition to the muscle cell, thus useful in muscular weakness, atrophy, etc. In this respect, myoneural junction disorder must also be considered.
2. As a nutritional factor favoring the geriatric patient, its tonic effect being most evident in these patients.
3. As a nutritional factor in increasing the energy metabolism of the muscle cell via the ATP mechanisms, apparently in same relation as exercise, which to the limits of tolerance is beneficial both to the diabetic and congestive heart failure patient.
4. Because of its effects in carbohydrate metabolism, as a possible factor in conditioning the hyperkalemia patient, a finding in Addison's Disease, which may also result in heart block.

Dosage/Directions for use:
As a dietary supplement one-three tablets to be taken three times daily with each meal as directed.

All tissue extracts should be taken as follows:
First week: 1 per day taken with the largest meal
Second week: 2 per day taken one after lunch and one after dinner
Third week: 3 per day taken one after each meal.

*In all cases of providing cell extracts for nutritional factors, long term therapy should be stressed rather than acceleration of dosage

Specific dosage administration for the heart depends on the symptomatic level of response, observing exercise tolerance as an indicator of adequate normal physiological nutrient needs being achieved.

Synergistic factors to consider for supporting the physiological nutrient needs of the heart:
Organic minerals Source of organic potassium
Calcium lactate Source of ionizable calcium
B Complex with G factor Important for enzymatic activity
factors related to proper heart function
Wheat Germ Oil Natural Vitamin E-for antioxidant factors
Natural Vitamin C with P
And Cod Liver oil for A Antioxidant and Epithelial and
connective tissue factors

For maximum effectiveness cell extracts should be taken with 3-24+ Springreen greens tablets.

A tonic effect is usual. Heart gland effect upon the heart integrity must be determined by Endocardiograph readings or other diagnostic means.

Side effects:
These rarely occur. Reactions such as tachycardia may be attributed to disturbance in potassium-glucose metabolism. The transfer of glucose to the muscle cell is accompanied by utilization of serum potassium, the administration of insulin being one of the few therapeutic means of reducing serum potassium temporarily.

Calcium is one of the counterbalancing factors for potassium. NaCl another when serum potassium is in excess. In most cases, however, indications are potassium deficiency and Organic minerals is the product of choice in this event. Heart glandular taken over a period of time may progressively lower the blood sugar level and hypoglycemia may be aggravated. This same effect, of course is beneficial in hyperglycemia.

Each tablet supplies: 200 mg. Heart Extract--- of bovine source, calcium stearate and cellulose as tableting agents.

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