Science tell us it is the cell nucleus that contains the first organizer of the protein structural form generated in normal cell growth and repair. The first organizer form generated is that fraction of the chromosome of the cell which catalyzes the synthesis of new cell protein in growth and repair. (Reference: Protomorphology by Hanson and Lee)
Kidney Cell Nucleus Extract is a mineral product of the Kidney Gland Cell Nucleus. It is a tissue extract intended to supply the specific determinant factors of the above mentioned organ and to aid in improving t he local nutritional environment for that organ.
Kidney Anatomy and Physiology
The kidneys, located high in the abdominal cavity, are the foremost regulators of the body's internal chemical environment. The kidneys filter the blood and in the process eliminate wastes, maintain normal levels of nutrients and electrolytic minerals, regulate acid-base balance (pH), and control blood pressure. Hormones and nerves link kidney function to the liver, the adrenal cortex and the circulatory system.
General Considerations:
The physiological functions of the kidney include the following:
a. Homeostasis (retention and excretion of metabolites)
b. Maintaining acid-base balance (most important organ)
c. Regulation of fluid balance
d. Excretion of waste products of metabolism
The nutritional effects of Kidney glandular tissue feeding may be listed as follows:
1. Indicated in almost all hypertensive patients because of closely associated kidney problems. The hypotensive patient also has increased need for kidney support because of possible lack of blood supply to this part.
2. Useful as a prophylaxix in recurrent nephritis
3. Allergic reactions, trauma, shock and burns place extra stress on kidney function, indicating need for support of this organ.
4. In Practical Endocrinology by Harrower (page 592) and interesting review of the edema of myxedema (hypothyroidism) as related to thyroid function is discussed. The reviewer of kidney pathology (nephritis, specifically) should find these observations as significant avenues of investigation.
Factors, Symptoms and Signs related to Insufficient Kidney Health:
History usually shows recurrent attacks as well as liver dysfunction, in addition to obvious urinary symptoms. Demineralization, fluid balance, acid-base disorders, toxemia and hyperirritability are also indicative.
Clinical Considerations:
Prominent Clinical Signs and Symptoms
1. Urinary Symptoms (Burning sensations, variation In urine volume, urinary incompetence, etc·)
2. Fluid Balance (Edema, ascites, localized edema, ankles, eyes, etc.. pitting edema)
3. Blood Pressure Changes (Hypertension and severe Hypotension, below 75 mm. Systolic) to
4. Toxemia (Uremia, Kidney Overload)
5. Anemia (Found in chronic nephritis)
6. Reflex Pains (Back and Leg pains)
Possible Etiological Background of the above:
Widely rated as most important organ in homeostasis and, in this respect, two functions are outstanding, 1-maintenance of acid-base balance and, 2-elimination of toxic wastes. At lower levels of dysfunction, the systemic evidence is usually vague do the vast reserve capacity of this organ. However, this obscurity of symptoms should not be allowed to minimize the important keystone position that the kidney holds in the armament of the body defenses. Support of liver function (protein metabolism) and Vitamin A (epithelial factor) should be Considered in all cases of kidney dysfunction
Laboratory Test:
Need Shown By:
Albuminuria, cells, cast, etc
Clinical Test Reveals:
a. pHydrion papers Persistant alkaline or acid urine
b. Uristix Albuminuria
Nutritional Uses:
Kidney Glandular for its nutritional factors can be incorporated in any program addressing the kidney needs.
The kidney works so closely with the liver that malfunction of the one organ is likely to result in malfunction of the other. Thus individuals using liver support should also include kidney glandular in their nutritional program.
Proper kidney function is central to healthy blood pressure. Kidney glandular is an important nutrient consideration in all hypertensive conditions, since most have some kidney involvement.
Dosage/Directions for use:
As a dietary supplement one-three tablets to be taken three times daily with each meal as directed.
Note: All cell extracts should be taken as follows:
First week: 1 per day taken with the largest meal
Second week: 2 per day taken one after lunch and one after dinner
Third week: 3 per day taken one after each meal.
*In all cases of providing cell extracts for nutritional factors, long term therapy should be stressed rather than acceleration of dosage
For maximum effectiveness cell extracts should be taken with 3-24+ Springreen greens tablets. This supplies an excellent array of all needed organic minerals in the ideal natural form.
Each tablet supplies: 200 mg. Kidney Extract--- of bovine source, calcium stearate and cellulose as tableting agents.
Laboratory tests important to check progress. Diuresis may be produced in some cases. Synergistic support is important.
Side effects:
None known
Natural Vitamin A Complex (Cod liver oil best source) Activity Contributed: Epithelial and connective tissue integrity
Natural Vitamin C Complex with P Activity Contributed: Epithelial and connective tissue integrity
Whole Beet Tablets Activity Contributed: Liver and gallbladder support
Kidney Liquetrophic Activity Contributed: To aid in detoxification of Protein waste
Fatty Acids (Vitamin F Complex) Activity Contributed: Calcium diffusing factors
Natural B Complex with G Factor Activity Contributed: Cell proliferation
While the above synergists are listed in the order of their usual importance, any or all of these synergists may be of primary importance in any one case. Where immediate results are lacking, therefore, we suggest the eventual results are lacking, therefore we suggest the eventual schedule to be extended to include as wide a variety of these synergists as is practical.