Provides full range of natural B vitamins.
The Signs and Symptoms of B Complex Deficiency:
From many reliable textbooks such as :
Biochemistry, Kleiner and Orten;
Principles of Biochemistry, White,
Handler, Smith and Stetton;
Textbook of Medicine, Cecil and
Rehabilitation through Better Nutrition,
Tom Spies, M.D.;
we find an abundance of information
relating to the symptoms of
Total B Complex Deficiency.
These include:
a. weakness and fatigue
b. indigestion (hypochlorhydria)
c. decreased appetite
d. craving for sweets
e. neuralgia to neuritis
f. muscular soreness
g. headache
h. insomnia
i. dizziness
j. nervousness
k. mental confusion
l. impaired intellect
m. hypochondria
n. acoustic hallucinations and noise sensitivity
o. instability
p. forgetfulness
q. vague fears
r. uneasiness
s. abnormal fears
t. rage
u. hostility
v. depression
w. anxiety
x. apprehension
Probably the most widespread effect of the universal partial deficiency of "B" is constipation.
The action of bran as a remedy for this condition is in no small measure due to the chemical effect of the "B" contained in it rather than to the mechanical action of the bran particles in irritating the intestinal lining into secretory activity.
If you do not believe this, try drinking water which bran has been soaked as a remedy for that condition.
Any liver disease needs B complex support
Shooting pains in the gonads are also frequent symptoms of B (and C) deficiency.
A deficiency of Vitamin B results in such reactions as enlargement and malfunction of a list of organs, including: adrenal, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, gonads, spleen, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and brain.
It is well-established that the "B requirement is parallel with the metabolic rate.
" Dr. Spies, in his book, stated that many of the above symptoms could manifest before physical signs are seen or laboratory tests reveal the problem.
A classical symptom of B Complex Deficiency, which has reached chronicity, is "a constant feeling that something dreadful is about to happen."
However, the first and most common complaint, especially among women, is depression and the tendency to cry without any particular reason.
When B Complex Deficiency Syndrome (BCDS) becomes chronic, more and more demands are made upon the glands that give us the ability to cope with stress---the ADRENALS.
As long as the adrenal hormone output is sufficient, one can survive all the symptoms of BCDS. However, when the adrenal function can no longer compensate, then comes the inevitable nervous exhaustion.
When this inevitable point is near at hand, the patient not only needs total nutritional support, with plenty of natural B, but also ADRENAL support as well.
In the female, the menstrual cycle, if not totally normal, will aggravate all the nervous, emotional symptoms of BCDS. In that situation, the female gland system must also receive specific nutritional support.
(Portions of the above data were excerpted from Vitamin News, VOL 2,3, Feb 15, Mar 15, 1934,1935, Dr. Royal Lee, Editor.)
Based on the individual constituents of the formula listed below, the therapeutic possibilities of this formula include:
the above mentioned symptoms and any liver disease, and any other Vitamin B complex deficiency condition.
Directions for use/Suggested Dosage:
Adults, one teaspoon 2-3 times daily or as otherwise directed
1.May be taken away from meals or with meals, although not with hot foods (over 106 degrees)
2.Refrigerate after opening
3.Liquetrophics and other homeopathics should be taken 20 minutes apart
4.Liquetrophics may be taken at the same time with other liquetrophics Exception: Fatty Acid Liquetrophic and Thyroid Liquetrophic should not be taken at the same time with other homeopathics or Liquetrophics--- wait at least 20 minutes apart
5.Do not store in sunlight
CAUTION: Alcohol sensitivities: If a person is sensitive to alcohol, place dose in a glass (3 oz.) of warm (not hot) water. Allow one minute for the alcohol to evaporate.
General Homeopathic instructions for all homeopathics:
1.Take nothing by mouth 10-15 minutes prior to or following dosage . Exception: Liquetrophic homeopathics may be taken this way or with meals
2.No mint in any form, such as candy mints, mint toothpaste, mint mouthwash. Most fine healthfood Stores carry mint free toothpaste.
3.Avoid camphor, as in muscle and joint rubs, and moth ball fumes when taking homeopathics.
4.If dental drilling or trauma to mouth occurs, use only topically for 48 hours
5.Limit breathing of strong smells, such as paint thinner, eucalyptus, cigarette smoke (especially menthol)
6.Limit raw garlic, onions, strong spices to one hour a way-before or after taking homeopathics
7.Place drops under tongue and hold for 10-30 seconds to allow for absorption
8.Keep homeopathics out of direct sunlight and xray
9.Homeopathics may generally be taken at the same time with other suggested homeopathics
Exception: Liquetrophics homeopathics should not be taken at the same time with other Homeopathics
By following these guidelines, you will give your remedies the greatest opportunity to succeed.
Ingredients: Vitamins B1-B20, Hordeum Vulgare, Saccharomyces 2x, Bovine Glandulars: Liver, Heart 3x, Adenosine 5-Diphosphate (important for the production of energy in the cell), Ribonuclease (the RNA enzymes) 8x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x
The richest food sources of the Natural B vitamins: Brewers Yeast, Rice Bran, Liver, Wheat Germ, Eggs, Sprouted Seeds and Nuts.