The Cardiovascular System Provides potentized nutrients, enzymes and homeopathic substances for Cardiac Support and Repair.
(Greek-Kardia-heart; Latin-Vasculum-vessel) Also know as the Circulatory System
Heart, Blood Vessels (veins and arteries), Blood
Distribution of oxygen and nutrients to cells; transportation of carbon dioxide and wastes from cells, acid-base balance; regulation of body temperature, formation of blood clots.
This is a system with a pump-the heart, which forces blood through the blood vessels throughout the whole body. Pumping blood through the body is a complex function, and the heart is an amazingly complex organ. Actually two high-pressure pumps in one- housing, the heart sends blood into the lungs to absorb oxygen, then routes the oxygenated blood into the rest of the body. The heart is very responsive. When heavy exercise or emotional upset demands a greater supply of oxygen, heart output can double in a matter of seconds.
Heart Health
Can it be denied that good nutrition is a contributing factor to a healthy heart? Of course not. For one, textbooks of medicine correlate B-complex deficiency with heart failure.
Secondly, heart muscles are composed of 18 different amino acids. For replication of heart cells, all 18 amino acids must be present at the same time and in the required numbers. If one amino acid is missing or denatured in cooking, the needed continual replication is impaired. In turn, a cell cannot duplicate itself nor upgrade its proteinaceous cytoplasm toward good health without a constant supply of all needed amino acids. The continuous availability of required amino acids could make the difference in whether heart cells are strong or weak.
When arteries have lost elasticity, poor circulation is the result. Overabundance of toxic settlements in the body results in compromised circulation. Adequate oxygen is necessary for good circulation.
Normal tension
Hypertension is a condition of persistently high arterial blood pressure. Hypotension refers to low pressure. Normotension refers to ideal pressure. Abnormal blood pressure can result from various causes, and especially represents indication of dysfunction somewhere within the cardiovascular system.
When it is healthy, the heart contracts and relaxes about 70 times a minute or 100,000 times a day. The vessels should maintain a healthy blood pressure. Normal pressure values vary with age. Arteries are the tubes that carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry the blood towards the heart. When your body needs lots of energy such as for exercise, your heart will beat faster and pump more blood around your body.
The blood carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones and waste products excreted from the cells; it helps regulate the body's water content, temperature and pH balance; and its specialized cells and proteins protect the body from infection or blood loss resulting from an injury. Without all this, all the cells in the body would die.
How well the heart and vascular system function depends upon several factors :
1. Constancy of good quality energy flow/life force to the cells of the cardiovascular system
2. Constancy of nervous impulse flow(electrical) supplying the cells that make up the cardiovascular system
3. Constancy of good quality nutrients (fuel) supplying the cells that make up the cardiovascular system
4. Constancy of blood and lymphatic flow, cleaning waste and removing abnormal microorganisms from the cells, of the cardiovasular system, preventing infection developments.
5. High quality genetically inherited functional and structural pattern of the cardiovascular system
Normally this process runs smoothly and comfortably.
When Dysfunction occurs due to stress of interruption in any of the above-mentioned factors, you may receive mild to severe symptom signals.
Warning Factors, signs and symptoms of Cardiovascular/circulatory System Dysfunction:
-Difficulty breathing
-chest pain while walking
-heaviness in legs
-swelling of feet and ankles
-leg cramps or calf muscle cramps
-heart pounding, missing beats or extra beats
-feeling jittery
-rapid heart beat
-exhaust with minor exertion
-hacking cough
-cold hands or feet
-poor concentration
-numbness or tingling in arms or legs
-flaking of skin
-ringing in ears
-blushing with no apparent cause
-spider veins on legs or face
-dizziness or pounding in head or neck
Based on the individual constituents listed in the ingredients below, the therapeutic possibilities of this formula include:
Coronary insufficiency, Angina Pectoris,
Myocardial weakness, Arrhythmia,
Coronary vasoconstriction,
hypotonic tachycardia and
heart constriction ("feeling of iron band")
Suggested Dosage/Directions for use:
Adults, one teaspoon, 2-3 times daily or as otherwise directed
1.May be taken away from meals or with meals, although not with hot foods (over 106 degrees)
2.Refrigerate after opening
3.Liquetrophics and other homeopathics should be taken 20 minutes apart
4.Liquetrophics may be taken at the same time with other liquetrophics Exception: Fatty Acid Liquetrophic and Thyroid Liquetrophic should not be taken at the same time with other homeopathics or Liquetrophics--- wait at least 20 minutes apart
5.Do not store in sunlight
CAUTION: Alcohol sensitivities: If a person is sensitive to alcohol, place dose in a glass (3 oz.) of warm (not hot) water. Allow one minute for the alcohol to evaporate.
General Homeopathic instructions for all homeopathics:
1.Take nothing by mouth 10-15 minutes prior to or following dosage . Exception: Liquetrophic homeopathics may be taken this way or with meals
2.No mint in any form, such as candy mints, mint toothpaste, mint mouthwash. Most fine healthfood Stores carry mint free toothpaste.
3.Avoid camphor, as in muscle and joint rubs, and moth ball fumes when taking homeopathics.
4.If dental drilling or trauma to mouth occurs, use only topically for 48 hours
5.Limit breathing of strong smells, such as paint thinner, eucalyptus, cigarette smoke (especially menthol)
6.Limit raw garlic, onions, strong spices to one hour away- before or after taking homeopathics
7.Place drops under tongue and hold for 10-30 seconds to allow for absorption
8.Keep homeopathics out of direct sunlight and xray
9.Homeopathics may generally be taken at the same time with other suggested homeopathics. Exception: Liquetrophics homeopathics should homeopathics not be taken at the same time with other
By following these guidelines, you will give your remedies the greatest opportunity to succeed.
Crategen Oxycantha, Plantago Major, Kali Muriaticum, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Cactus Grandiflorus 5x, Bovine Glandulars: Thyroid, Heart, Vagus Nerve, Cardiac Plexus 5x, 6x, 30x, 100x. Digitalis Purpurea, Isotonic Plasma, Carnitine, Valeriana Officinalis, Lecithin 6x, Vasotocin, Cholesterol Oxidase 8x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x.