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You are here:Home > Minerals, Probiotics, Herbals > Calphonite - Liquid calcium/magnesium/phosphorous/manganese

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Are you Getting Enough Calcium and Magnesium?

Springreen Liquid Calphonite - Calcium/Magnesium/Phosphorus/Manganese - 15 fluid ounces
Springreen Liquid Calphonite - Calcium/Magnesium/Phosphorus/Manganese - 15 fluid ounces
Our Price: $21.47

Of course, Everyone needs a good calcium supplement and we found a great one in RAPID absorbing LIQUID form! The demands for Calphonite continue to grow by leaps and bounds --- not because of any special advertising, but because of the favorable results obtained. Try this perfect and easy to take LIQUID blend of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Without calcium, any tissue repair in the body is unlikely, and a calcium deficiency may lead to life-t threatening osteoporosis. Protect your bones and jo more info
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