Dorlands Medical Dictionary defines xenobiotic as :
A chemical or a microorganism, such as a parasite, that is foreign to the biologic system.
Xeno is from the Greek word-xenos, meaning-a guest, friend or any stranger or foreigner. Xeno is used in a combining form to mean---strange or denoting relationship to foreign material.
Xenobiotics are foreign "anti"biotic (anti=against) (biotic=life) or foreign chemical substances.
These anti-biotic/foreign chemical substances, once in the cell, can block certain enzyme systems and thereby interfere with the normal energy producing and functional mechanisms of those cells.
Our special line of xenobiotic combination formulas are specially created homeopathic remedies designed to assist in the removal of specific toxic and anti-biotic elements and substance in the system.
These formulas combine well-known homeopathic drainage remedies with multiple potencies of the specific xenobiotic isodes.
An isode is a homepathic remedy that uses the actual poison or substance, microorganism or parasite that is causing or associated with the disease condition, in a minute dose to cause the cure. (isos=a combining form, meaning same, equal or alike)
A Nosode is any disease product or substance used as a remedy in homeopathic medicines. (Greek, nosos=disease)
What is a Liquetrophic Remedy?
Lique means "liquid" or "from liquid"
Liquetrophic is a term that was coined in 1997 by Biotrophic Nutrients Corporation to represent a very special type of a homeopathic formula.
A liquetrophic homeopathic remedy has three qualities to it:
- the remedy is in a liquid state
- the remedy contains some homeopathic ingredients
- the remedy contains special added substances that are "enzyme active", "life-nourishing" plant ingredients.
These special substances are added to remedies and are specific to each remedy. Meaning that different special substances are added to each remedy---based on their ability to help the body's specific metabolism requirements related to the entire remedy substance being given and/or related to the condition being treated.
The added enzyme activity considerably boosts the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy.
Hence, liquetrophics are considered "Enzyme Active" Homeopathic remedies.
The Liquetrophic series are multiple potency homeopathic formulas designed to provide nutritive as well as energetic support. These formulas combine well-known homeopathic remedies with low physiologic levels of nutrients, enzymes, glandulars and intermediary catalysts. These can be taken as drops on or under the tongue or in pure water between meals and sipped .
Prolonged stress on the body can drain your patient's body nutrient reserves.
Replace What Stress Robs!
Chemical Stress to the body includes: dieting, cooked, refined, processed foods, smoking, caffeine consumption, sugar, excessive alcohol, the use of oral contraceptives, the list goes on and on·
These stress products are designed to help replenish those vital nutrients.
These Special Stress Formulas contain Enzymes.
What is a Homeopathic Remedy?
A Remedy, by definition, is: That which cures a disease. It is any medicine, substance or procedure which puts an end to disease and restores health. The term remedy is derived from Latin, re-means "again" and medeor means "to heal".
In the Medical profession, there are two main branches of health professionals:
1. Allopathic health professionals-those that primarily use allopathic remedy substances to treat unwanted human and animal conditions.
2. Homeopathic health professionals-those that primarily use homeopathic remedy substances to treat unwanted human and animal conditions.
About 25% of the Medical physicians in the U.S. were Homeopaths at the turn of the century. Today, less than .5% of the Medical physicians in the U.S. are Homeopaths.
What is the Difference between Homeopathic and Allopathic remedies?
Homeopathic remedies are substances that produce the conditions, effects or symptoms similar to what the patient is suffering.
Homois-means "similar" or "with"
Pathos-means "disease" or "suffering"
Allo-means "against"
Allopathic "remedies" are substances which work in terms of opposites. These remedies are designed to "attack", "suppress" or "relieve" the conditions, effects or symptoms of the illness---yet ignores the root of the problem and the role of our amazing immune system. "Modern" medicine of today primarily uses allopathic "remedies".
Isn't it illogical to give doses of substances that cause or duplicate the symptoms similar to those that the sick or "dis-eased" person has, in order to cure them?
Homeopathic remedies work on a Law of Similarities: By using extremely "minute" amounts of substances that cause similar symptoms to what the patient is suffering OR in a situation where originally it was a substance that caused the current symptoms , the homeopathic remedy may involve using an extremely "minute" amount of the actual original substance. Similar to the concept in immunization---the homeopathic remedy stimulates the body's immune system to produce its own antibodies to create a deep cure. The difference being---immunization substances are made from minute amounts of "dead" or "weakened" bacteria or viruses. Homeopathic substances are made from plant, animal or mineral substances.
For more info on homeopathy, click on the topics below:
What others are saying regarding homeopathy
What dosage should I take?
Common questions regarding homeopathy
What is the origin of homeopathy
Homeopathy fascinates me, Where can I learn more?
Advanced technical topics on homeopathy:
Understanding the dosages on homeopathic labels
Are Gem and Flower essences considered homeopathic remedies?
What others are saying regarding Homeopathy
Homeopathy has been the medicine of choice for the British Royal Family since the 1830's and a number of Europeans and now, more and more Americans are catching on.
"First, do no harm"---Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine
"The highest ideal cure is the speedy, gentle and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way"---Samuel Hahnemann, Father of Homeopathy
"It is clear that we are going out of the age of chemical and mechanical medicine and into the age of energetic and homeopathic medicine"---William Tiller, Ph. D, Chairman of Materials Science and Engineering Department at Stanford University in 1977.
"Homeopathy, if only for its enormous importance in the recent history of medicine, deserves the attention of everyone interested in the healing arts. It is a carefully elaborated system, built on the contributions of thoughtful physicians, and its methods cannot directly harm patients: a claim that allopathics (orthodox physicians) cannot make. Homeopathy has cured many sick people; how it does so is a question that must be considered by all theorists of healing and treatment."---Andrew Weil, M.D., author of The Natural Mind and ex-Harvard drug researcher.
What Dosage Should I Take?
Potencies of 30x and below are considered low to medium.
Potencies above 100x and above are usually only available through health professionals.
Homeopathics can be taken as a 1-2 teaspoons or dropperfuls, either placed on or under the tongue and held for 60 seconds before swallowing or placed in a 8 ounce glass of good water and slowly sipped over 5-30 minutes---with each sip, hold the sip in the mouth 30-60 seconds before swallowing for extra effectiveness.
In the early or acute stage of an ailment, take lower-potency doses, every 2-4 hours until your pain and symptoms subside, then stop taking the remedy. If you continue to take it, you may bring the symptoms back. Take higher potency doses according to your prescribing health professional.
In chronic longer term conditions, take the lower potency doses, 1 to 3 times per day and complete the bottle. Take higher potency doses according to your prescribing health professional.
Note: Some special liquetrophic homeopathic remedies may be taken longer term---because of their unique addition of specific nourishment and enzyme factors. This is a special type of homeopathic remedy. Your health professional can advise you as to the length of time to continue a remedy.
Note: About the Healing Crisis: The intensity of your symptoms may increase slightly before they disappear. A new set of symptoms may also arise; at which time your health professional may switch remedies to address these "new", "resurfacing" symptoms, because your health is restored in "layers", and Health returns through cycles.
Common Questions Regarding Homeopathy
How can such a minute quantity of a homeopathic sub stance cause a cure?
A homeopathic substance is a remedy that has been diluted to the point that NOT one single molecule of the original remedy remains. The fact is Less is more -READ ON, to find out why.
Why is less more? How can a remedy be diluted even to the point that no molecule of the original substance remains, yet be effective? If the molecules aren't there, then what is it?
What remains is termed the "essence" of the substance. The term essence refers to that which constitutes the particular nature of a thing, and which distinguishes it from all others; that which makes a thing what it is; the predominant elements of a plant or drug extracted, refined or obtained from the grosser matter. This can be an extract; or a gaseous odor or scent. "Esse" comes from the Latin term essential, from esse, meaning "to be".
Homeopathic remedies are made from healing chemical substances extracted from plant, mineral and animal sources. The extracts are filtered and made into a "Mother tincture". This powerful mother tincture is repeatedly diluted and then it is further potentized by vigorously shaking it over and over which thoroughly disperses the homeopathic until there is "almost" no active ingredient present at all. Actually---the more diluted the remedy is, the stronger it is!
According to the Laws of physics, matter and energy are constantly interchanging. Scientist Matthew Hubbard explains in his theory that the shaking process in homeopathy releases energy from the original tincture and "stamps" and "energetic fingerprint" which remains through each stage of dilution. Think of a homeopathic remedy as a hologram; if you break a part of a hologram of a body into tiny pieces, each fragment contains a picture of the whole body! Numerous scientific studies reveal that homeopathic remedies are very powerful medicines!
What are the Most Important Rules to Remember when using homeopathic remedies?
An antidote is a medicine or substance that counteracts the effects of another medicine or substance. Antidotes may be unintentionally taken or intentionally taken, as in taking an antidote to counteract the effects of an accidental poisoning. Anti means "against", Dotos means "given", which comes from the Greek word, didomi---to give.
According to Classical homeopathy, the following antidotes MUST BE AVOIDED when taking homeopathic remedies:
NO MINT/MENTHOL-Mint has long been recognized as an antidote to homeopathic remedies. NO peppermint toothpaste. Health stores often carry special homeopathic toothpaste that do not contain MINT. Watch out for mint in foods, gum, etc...
LIMIT SMOKING as best possible-Especially NO smoking, within 30 minutes before or after of taking a remedy.
AVOID Heat, light and moisture-keep homeopathic remedies tightly sealed in a cool, dark place away from moisture. The refrigerator works well. NOT in the freezer. DO NOT keep homeopathic remedies in the bathroom medicine cabinet---where a shower or bath exists----too much steam occurs and can damage the homeopathics.
AVOID AROMATIC substances using menthol, camphor, tiger balm and perfumes. These can neutralize homeopathic remedies.
When taking "pill or pellet" forms of homeopathic remedies: DO NOT TOUCH the substances with your hands. POUR the remedy "pills" from the bottle into a cap, then pop them under your tongue. The oils from your skin can neutralize the remedies.
DO NOT chew or swallow pellets. Dissolve the homeopathic pellets directly underneath your tongue. This allows fastest absorption into your bloodstream.
HOMEOPATHIC liquids-These may be taken as drops under the tongue or in a glass of water and sipped until the entire glass is completely taken. DO NOT use tap water.
NOT with meals. Take homeopathic remedies 1/2 hour before eating or 1 to 2 hours after.
Exception: The special liquetrophic homeopathics may be taken with or away from meals, due to the special added enzyme substances.
Are Homeopathic Remedies Safe?
There is a current growing interest in homeopathy as a SAFE alternative to the persistent, toxic effects of drugs used in mainstream medicine. People return to homeopathy because of the fact that in order to be healthy the root cause of disease must be tended to, not just the symptoms.
Many people today are literally "sick" of drugs. These drugs create more complications because of their side effects AND because they interfere with the body's natural ability to heal itself. Suppressing or merely removing symptoms, is a temporary "solution" at best. Addressing the "whole" person "Naturally", can be a long term solution to modern disease conditions.
Homeopathy effectively addresses the whole person. Most Homeopathic remedies can be used without danger, even by lay persons, because they are not toxic. The small doses in homeopathic remedies make them extremely safe.
The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (a non-profit board of homeopathic physicians recognized by Congress) only approves remedies aimed at short term conditions for over-the-counter-OTC-use. Other remedies are sold through health professionals who specifically recommend remedies for your exact individual need. If you use homeopathy, at worst your condition will stay the same, but you need not worry about side effects.
If you ever took an incorrect remedy for your condition, at worst you'd have some symptom "flare ups" that would cease when you stopped the remedy---but you can be assured NO physical damage occurs!
Most Homeopathic remedies have an unlimited shelf life.
If a person is using homeopathic remedies, can they use allopathic medications at the same time?
Generally, one will not need to take conventional drugs if the proper cause and treatment are given, which may include given an appropriate homeopathic. This can only be addressed on an individual basis. Some may be in a condition whereby withdraw from a medicine may not be immediately possible or appropriate. It is possible to take them together. However, some conventional allopathic medicines are so strong that they inhibit any action of the homeopathic remedy. In such a situation, the individual might decide whether to use conventional or homeopathic medicines.
Do animals benefit from homeopathic remedies?
Today, the animals of our world, including our home pets, are just like us---exposed to thousands of toxins via air, water and food.
Just as it is with humans, it is now necessary to address an "overloaded" digestive and eliminative system (especially the liver) of animals.
Some health stores carry special proven homeopathic combinations for animals or better yet, find a wholistic veternarian in your city who is skilled in the use of homeopathy with animals. Your pet will thank you!
Which homeopathic remedy is best for me?
Finding the right homeopathic remedy will stimulate your immune system and your vital force---to throw off the illness or "dis"ease effectively. The practice of homeopathy is composed of two aspects:
First, homeopaths find out what specific physical, emotional and mental symptoms that various substances CAUSE when taken or exposed to in overdose. This is the subject called toxicology and these substances are tested by a procedure called PROVINGS* (see explanation below)
Second, homeopaths interview their patients in great detail to discover the totality of physical, emotional and mental symptoms. The homeopath seeks to find a substance that would cause similar symptoms and then gives it to the patient in small specially prepared doses.
Explain what is meant by a "proving"
Homeopathy has 200 years of clinical experiments called "provings" to back up its long history of success. Provings are done by testing a remedy on one group of subjects, while giving a plain sugar pill to a placebo group.
Physical, mental and emotional characteristics brought on by the remedy are studied in great detail. The theoretical basis is that whatever symptoms are created by a large dose of a remedy in the laboratory will be cured by a "tiny dose" in real life. In actuality, the so-called "tiny dose" is masqueriding as a huge dose by dilutions and potentiation---it appears to the body as a huge dose, when in reality it is less than a molecule of the actual substance!
Scientific studies published in prestigious British, German and Indian Medical Journals have also supported the use of homeopathy. In one double-blind study, almost twice as many flu patients recovered within 48 hours after receiving a homeopathic remedy than those patients who received placebos. In another study hayfever sufferers experienced 6 times as much relief from symptoms after taking a homeopathic remedy as those sufferers who took placebos (both studies were published in The Lancet, a British Medical Journal similar to the Journal of the American Medical Association.)
Explain the Names of Homeopathic Remedies:
Every homeopathic remedy has a specific name and a potency symbol. The name is the Latin name of the original substance.
Explain single versus combination remedy formulas:
Some remedies only contain 1 substance , while others contain 2 -10 or even 20 substances that all have an exact purpose for the patient's condition.
What is the Origin of Homeopathy?
Homeopathy was developed in the 19th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a successful German physician frustrated with "modern" medicine. In a time of dangerous blood lettings and raging epidemics, homeopathy's gentle yet powerful effects made it immediately popular.
Homeopathy quickly expanded throughout Europe and America. By the early 1900's, America had 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals and thousands of practicing homeopaths. In fact, about 20-25% of the U.S. physicians were homeopaths at that time!
If homeopathic remedies are so effective, why isn't homeopathy more popular today?
In 1911, the American Medical Association (AMA) mounted a massive campaign to discredit homeopathy and build its own reputation for synthetic symptom-based drugs. The AMA felt seriously threatened clinically, philosophically and economically by homeopathy.
A conventional physician, in the early 1900's would lose membership in the A.M.A. if he simply consulted a homeopath. The A.M.A also applied pressure on various funding sources so that homeopathic schools had difficulty staying alive.
For the greater part of the 20th century, homeopathy was heavily suppressed---yet despite pressure from the A.M.A, and drug companies, homeopathy has survived and is now flourishing throughout the world more than ever!
Is homeopathy legal in the U.S?
Homeopathic remedies have been approved as safe and non toxic by the FDA since 1938. Their manufacture is strictly regulated by the F.D.A to assure consumers that they are getting what they ordered.
Most homeopathic practitioners are health professionals with main degrees as M.D's, Chiropractors, Dentists, Podiatrists, Physician assistants, Nurses and even Veterinarians, who have furthered their training with the study of homeopathy and are very qualified homeopaths.
Where is Homeopathy most popular?
Homeopathy is especially popular in France, England, Germany, Greece, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa. In France there are approximately 6000 M.D's who practice it regularly. In Germany, over 1/3 of the Medical Doctors at least, occasionally use homeopathic remedies. In India, there are over 120 four-year homeopathic medical schools. Homeopathy is growing rapidly in most of these countries. An amazing study was published in the British Medical Journal in 1983 that found 80% of a random group of 100 young physicians expressed interest in being trained in either homeopathy or acupuncture.
Homeopathy fascinates me, Where can I learn more?
The best source of homeopathic books and tapes in the U.S. is:
Homeopathic Educational Services
2124 Kittredge Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
(Free catalog is available. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope)
Other Resources:
A Home Study Course on Homeopathic Medicine is available. Write or call for a free prospectus:
The British Institute of Homeopathy
520 Washington Blvd., Suite 423
Marina Del Ray, CA 90292
Tel (800)498-6323 Fax (800)495-8277
The British Institute of Homeopathy , the largest homeopathic/college in the world, with students in over 60 countries, offers a comprehensive DIPLOMA and POSTGRADUATE home study program in classical and modern homeopathy. Diploma graduates are entitled to use the initials DIHom and Postgraduate students are entitled to use the initials DHM.
The courses commence at any time and are completed at one's own pace. They are presented by Dr. Trevor Cook, former President of the UK Homeopathic Medical Association, author, Gold Medallist and formerly appointed by HM Queen Elizabeth II to supply the Royal Family with homeopathic medicines.
Other Resources:
The National Center for Homeopathy
801 N Fairfax #306
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tiger Tribe
1407 E College Street
Iowa City, Iowa 52245
A Bi-monthly magazine that focuses on homeopathic and natural treatment of cats
Reference Sources:
Homeopathy, Medicine of the New Man by George Vithoulkas
This is a complete introduction to the revolutionary natural medical system whose time has come. "Vithoulkas is perhaps the greatest homeopath alive..."---Lets Live Magazine
The Science of Homeopathy by George Vithoulkas
Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by James Tyler Kent, M.D.
Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory by Boericke
One of the standard reference "bibles" of homeopathy. Copyright 1927. Published by Boericke and Runyon, Boericke and Tafel Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Advanced technical
Understanding the dosages on homeopathic labels What do the numbers on the bottles mean?
These numbers symbolize the two steps of making a homeopathic remedy:
1. Dilution
2. Potentiation
These numbers let you know how powerful your specific remedy is. The Rule is: The Higher the number on the bottle, the stronger the remedy is.
When a bottle is labeled "x" or "d", the dilution ratio is 1 part substance to 9 parts water or ethyl alcohol. "C" means the ratio is 1 to 99.
The number that comes before the letter indicates how many times the remedy was diluted and shaken to potentize it. This ranges from 1 to 200.
For example, in a 10X remedy, the 1:9 dilution and shaking process has been repeated 10 times.
Are Gem and Flower Essenses considered homeopathic remedies?
Edward Bach was a British homeopath, who developed flower essences into a healing system in the 1930's. He discovered the effect of plant's subtle energies as secret healing powers.
Like other homeopathic remedies, flower essence homeopathic remedies are extremely dilute potentized liquid remedies. The difference only being, that they are made specifically from the blossoms of wild flowers!
The Essences are made from flowers that are picked at a special time in their blooming cycle, then soaked in water under the sun or boiled for an extended time. Finally, they are strained and bottled. These flower essence remedies are non toxic and will not interfere with other remedies or medications, whether traditional or alternative.
Gems- As in the case of flower essences, gem elixers are homeopathic vibrational preparations. Gem elixers are prepared in a manner similar to flower essences---the difference being the use of gems from the mineral kingdom versus flowers from the plant kingdom. There is an exact technology to proper preparation of a gem remedy.
For too long gemstones have been relegated to the role of magic and superstition. It is again time for people to appreciate the great treasures stored in the mineral kingdom. Gemstones have been used successfully and consistently in many ancient highly evolved cultures. The records of ancient Egypt and India exemplify this.
Is the effect of the uses of flower essences or gem elixers or other homeopathic remedies independent of the user's belief in them?
If people believe these remedies will not affect them, they will still usually work in a method similar to the function of how chemistry works. Whether or not you believe in chemistry, take several drops (DO NOT REALLY DO THIS-WE ARE JUST MAKING A POINT) of arsenic and very shortly, your life will cease.
In certain cases, however, it is possible to override the effects with intention and negativity. There is always a living element factor in all healing or lack of healing responses.
Look to the animal world for an answer to this concern:
These homeopathic remedies are very effective on animals---where belief plays no role.
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