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You are here:Home > How much protein in Springreen? Nature’s Finest Available Protein

Natures Finest Bioavailable Protein---Grass!!!

How Much Protein is in a Springreen Tablet?
Each Tablet provides 0.14 grams of protein. In a daily serving of 12 tablets of the #30 Springreen (Cereal Grasses) it provides 1.7 grams of protein.

Keep in mind, this is not a synthetic multivitamin, but a complete food supplement, a true whole food multivitamin, which contains all its inherent synergist, coenzymes, vitamins and minerals.
Springreen Tablets

Springreen tablets, we feel are the most outstanding product we distribute.
It is the result of many years of researching, to fulfill the critical elements of deficiency in the average diet.

Cooking destroys certain essential amino acids, and cooking protein foods in the presence of glucose or sugar in any form is much more destructive of those most necessary units of indispensable nutrition.

Histidine, tryptophane, threonine, methionine, lysine and phenylalanine are all destroyed by the cooking process. (Friedman and Kline, "The Relation of the Acid-Sugar Reaction to the Nutritive Value of Protein Hydrolysates," Jol. Nutrition. Vol. 12 No. 4, 1950)

Histidine deficiency is suspected to be associated with stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Tryptophane deficiency is known to be associated with pellagra, glossitis, gingivitis, cheilosis, stomatitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, mental derangements (mental confusion, melancholia, lethargy, depression, apprehensiveness) photophobia, edema, degeneration of heart muscle, anemia, headaches and insomnia.

Threonine deficiency aggravates ascites and edema.

Methionine deficiency aggravates fatty degeneration of the liver, corneal vascularization and causes stunting of growth in the young.

Lysine deficiency produces nausea, dizziness, hypersensitivity to penetrating sounds, fatigability and irritability, anemia, bone marrow atrophy.

Phenylalanine deficiency halts growth or repair of tissue, may cause loss of weight and atrophy of vital organs.

Animals fed cooked food REQUIRE FIFTY PERCENT MORE of such feed than if it were fed food in an uncooked state, no doubt mainly because of this loss of vital amino acids.

Springreen Tablet consumers report a phenomenal change in their general state of vigor, alertness, sound sleep and stamina. The refining, processing, cooking and adulteration of various foodstuffs has created such a general condition of run down health that the average person and the average doctor has lost the ability to recognize abnormal and deficient states because normal truly healthy-high stamina individuals are no longer much in existence, to be used as reference standards.

We cook our beans with molasses, cure our hams with sugar, pasteurize our milk with sugar and protein, without the slightest idea that it may be harmful.

As a consequence, our blood proteins fail to be acceptable to the tissues for either maintenance or repair. We develop the degenerative changes of deficiency so well described by Sir Robert McCarrison in his book Studies in Deficiency Disease , where he describes the atrophy and progressive degeneration first in the adrenals (that is why we need cortisone, etc. the new "wonder" remedy to offset the harm), the Thyroid, Pancreas, that we die years ahead of our time.

The blood proteins commonly drop suddenly as the use of Springreen tablets in sufficient quantity is begun. They are made COMPLETE by the accretion of the factors in Springreen. They then are used by the tissues for repair. The subject becomes better because he has started to ASSIMILATE his nutritional supply that up to then has been INCOMPLETE.

Springreen tablets have been found valuable in most conditions where the vital forces are lowered, where repair is delayed, where apathy has taken the place of ambition. Springreen tablets have been found a lifesaver for the young as well as the old. It has the SPECIFIC DYNAMIC AMINO ACIDS that live foods confer.


*Portions of the above information were excerpted and adapted for present day use from the notes of Dr. Royal Lee

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