Its value rests upon the property of certain specially manufactured filter papers, through which individual fractions of a certain substance may be separated, then in turn be made visible by means of a reagent. The resulting picture allows interpretation through distinct difference in color, rings, spike like forms, etc. as related to qualitative and biological values. These interpretations can be made by anyone who studies them carefully working from a chromatogram of the well known live product to the one under interpretation.
Having perfected it for differentiating soils, Dr. Pfeiffer then found it worked equally well in differentiating values between two foods or two vitamins which might chemically analyze almost identical yet have widely different biological and qualitative values.
In Nature not only does every living thing have a purpose but its juice (an extract is made) displays a definite PATTERN in a chromatogram, whether it be a grain of wheat, a drop of milk, an apple, egg or blade of grass, the fresher the product the greater the biological activity and the more prominent the enzyme formations. But an inorganic mineral, chemical or synthetic vitamin show only varied colored rings but no definite pattern, for they are inert.
In the circular the reader will see chromatograms illustrating differences for SOILS, FOODS, and VITAMINS. Chemically treated soils or products grown thereon are contrasted with organically treated soils or products grown thereon. Some well known foods that have been refined, pasteurized, fragmented or synthesized are compared with corresponding products left as Nature made them. We illustrate the intrinsic biological difference between synthetic man-made vitamins with the inorganic minerals so frequently added and Natural Vitamins with their many synergists organized and balanced in Nature's Laboratory.
The Chromatograms show that Nature does SOMETHING that man cannot duplicate. Even when the chemical analysis is identical, that SOMETHING IS STILL THERE.
When Orthodox Nutrition recognizes these DIFFERENCES and the inadequacy of man's puny efforts to duplicate Nature, the nutritional welfare of our people will be inestimably bettered.
NOTE: As noted above, various so-called experts in the nutri-tional field may disagree with some of the conclusions reached herein, and some conclusions may be considered as contrary to the consensus of current expert opinion. Nevertheless, based upon our own experience and upon the opinions of the experts cited, we believe such conclusions to be sound, and the experts cited to be well-qualified in their respective fields. V. E. IRONS, INC. by V. Earl Irons
We are indebted to Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer and his staff in their Biochemical Research Laboratory, Spring Valley, New York for the infinite care and patience in developing these Chromatograms.
Top of page
Essay on Nutrition
Chromatogram Samples
What is a "Chromatogram?"
Biography of Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Essay on Nutrition
The past 75 years have given us autos, movies, electricity, radio, television, airliners, radar, guided missiles, jet propulsion, and interplanetary orbiting -- more scientific progress than in the entire previous world's history. But, it is discouraging to realize that man has devoted so much of his creative talents to things outside himself and so little to 'KNOW THYSELF'.
The success of the vast technological advancements of the past 75 years has been made possible because man has followed NATURAL LAWS accurately in things OUTSIDE himself. Why doesn't he do like-wise for the INNER man?
For 80 years man has stuck to the calorie theory, which compares his body to a furnace or chemical laboratory requiring oxygen, proteins, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, and more recently vitamins and minerals. But, has this theory actually increased his physical or mental efficiency after 50 years of age? For example, statistics indicate a 60 year old man has only about 1.7 years more life expectancy now than 100 years ago. Yet, the "Healthy Hunzas", who know nothing about calories, proteins, starches, or vitamins, reportedly have no difficulty living from 90 to 120 years of age, maintaining in many instances perfect 20/20 vision at 100, still possessing physical stamina at 90 equivalent to ours at 40 or 50, according to Dr. Banik who visited "Hunza" land. These healthy people live on Natural unrefined, unsweetened, unprocessed, unfragmented, and unpasteurized foods grown on healthy, live, organic soil. But, in America today those eminent scientists who can produce for us televisions, radars, movies, build a sputnik that will orbit the moon, or replace the valves of a human heart with plastic ones, still seem to die at the same rate and age as the average layman. Is it because man believes in Abiogenesis-" the theory of the production of living from non-living matter" instead of believing in Biogenesis -"the doctrine that living things are produced only from living things?"
Is it because he believes in Natural Science for things OUTSIDE himself, but for the INNER MAN he thinks that dead refined foods, dead synthetic vitamins and dead inert materials are as beneficial as live NATURAL FOODS with their live vitamins and organic minerals, all organized by the sun, rain, water, minerals, and the soil's living bacteria. THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE and the chromatograms show it.
Orthodox Nutrition as taught in many schools, colleges, and direct to the public through some avenues of radio, TV, and the press, reflects a reliance on Abiogenesis because it depends on a chemical analysis to determine food values. But, it is fundamental that live organic Natural Foods must be killed (and thus rendered dead and inert) to be chemically analyzed. Hence, they may show up as chemically identical to a synthetic food or vitamin. But, the chromatogram SHOWS THE DIFFERENCE.
As a nation we are led to believe by some so-called scientific writers that we are one of the healthiest nations on earth, that we can efficaciously eat anything advertised and offered for sale. We are told by these writers that LIVE NATURAL FOODS are no better than fragmented, refined, processed or chemically treated foods.
Thus, we try to raise healthy sturdy children on pasteurized milk and are told that pasteurization of foods is one of the great boons to civilization. Yet, no farmer has ever been able to raise a calf well on pasteurized milk. A child will develop scurvy if fed only pasteurized milk, but will not if fed raw whole milk. Dr. Pottenger's 10 year experiment on 900 cats showed that cats fed only cooked meats or pasteurized milk developed multiple degenerative diseases, becoming extinct with the third generation, while those fed raw meat or raw milk lived generation after generation in health, producing large healthy litters. WHAT A DIFFERENCE.
All live Natural Foods have enzymes yet some so-called experts maintain that enzymes are unnecessary because the human body makes its own. The whole effect of mass production to feed a vast population is to destroy the enzymes in our foods, in an effort to insure that they will not spoil in transportation or storage. Hence, Orthodox Nutrition conveniently ignores these minute live particles in our foods. However, other experts have indicated the necessity of enzymes. WHY not investigate THE DIFFERENCE for yourself?
We have been told by some so-called experts that synthetic Vitamins are as beneficial as the Vitamins in Natural Foods. Some so-called experts even claim they are identical. Other authorities, such as A. J. Carlsonof Chicago, Dr. Baron Chow of Johns Hopkins, Ed. Mellanby of England, C. A. Elvehjem and W. A. Krehl of Wisconsin, Agnes Fay Morgan of California, and an official publication of the U. S. Army maintain that synthetic man-made vitamins can never take the place of the vitamins as found in Natural Foods. Our Food and Drug Administration at one time assented to this view. Yes, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE and the chromatograms show it.
Many so-called experts still insist that IN-ORGANIC minerals are as nutritionally ef-fective as the ORGANIZED minerals Nature puts in our foods. If this is true then why can't we all be readily free of all mineral de-ficiency, because every mineral is available and very cheap in its inorganic form. However, new evidence indicates that both vita-mins and trace minerals, to be beneficially effective, must be bound up in Enzyme systems. Enzymes are found only in raw, fresh Natural Foods. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE as shown by the chromatograms.
Many scientific articles have set forth the deficiencies of white sugar, yet Orthodox Nutrition has failed to come out openly against it and in favor of old fashioned raw sugar or molasses. BUT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. See for yourself.
Harvey W. Wiley, M.D., father of our Pure Food Laws, was strongly opposed to synthetic sugar made from corn starches, hydrochloric and other acids, and known commercially as glucose or dextrose. He predicted adverse effects on the pancreas unless it was banned. However, its backers were able to procure some so-called scientists who maintained these synthetic substitutes were just as good as honey because their chemical analysis was the same. Orthodox Nutrition thus accepts these products. But they are not natural and the chromatograms show it.
Nearly all agricultural colleges and agents now recommend using chemical fertilizers to increase yield. Neither they nor many so-called nutrition experts disclose that the quality of the food grown with chemical fertilizers can be inferior in quality to that grown with Natural methods used by most farmers prior to 1930. But, the chromatogram SHOWS THE DIFFERENCE, both in the soil and in foods grown thereon.
Hunza Land, by Dr. Allen E. Banik, Whitehorn Pub. Co., Long Beach, Calif.; also his published lectures. Back
By 'dead' is meant non-perishable, inert cell structure, devoid of ENZYMES. Back
By 'live' is meant perishable, capable of fermenting, souring, rotting, developing a bad odor, moulding, attractingweevils, moths, bugs and mice, i.e., thus still containing living tissue and Nature's ENZYMES. Back
Progressive Medicine, Vol. 4, p. 325, and Writings of Albert Hesse (Chas. C. Thomas, Vol. 1, p. 457). Back
Francis M. Pottenger, M.D., F.A.C.D. of So. Calif. University, Oral Surgery, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 467485, August 1946, and 'What's New in FARM SCIENCE,' Univ. of Wisconsin, Nov. 1938, p. 84. Back
Journal of Physiology, London 1949, Vol. 109, pp. 488-533, and State College of Washington, 'Influence of Water-Treatment on Nutritional Value of Barley,' Society for Exper. Biology and Medicine, 1957, Vol. 95, pp. 249-5 1. Back to "enzymes"Back to "Mellanby"
Carlson, A.J., Science 97, April 30 8 May 7, 1943. Back
Drug Trade News, Mfg. Section, Oct. 1, 1949. Back
Imbalance and Dietary Inter-relations in Nutrition, American Medical Association Handbook of Nutrition. 2nd Edition, 1951, pp. 384-385. Back
Science, March 14, 1941. Back
U.S. Army Nutritional Manual, 1949. Back
Federal Register, 8:9170, July 3, 1943. Back
McElroy, Dr. Wm. P., Director of the McCullom Pratt Institute, Johns Hopkins University before Nat. Academy of Science, Wash., D.C. Back
History of a Crime Against the Food Law by Harvey W. Wiley, pp. 300-328, reproduced by Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Back
Clayton, R.A. and Strong, F.H.: New Solvent System for Separation of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, August 1954, page 1362. Amino Acids Metabolism and a New Test for Amino Acids in the Urine by E.E. Pfeiffer, Spring Valley, N.Y. and other references therein. Back
Dr. Pfeiffer majored in chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland. In 1939, he was awarded an honorary M.D. degree by Hahneman Medical College. From 1948, he was in research as director of Biochemical Laboratory of Spring Valley, New York. He was agricultural consultant to firms here and abroad and taught nutrition at the School of Dentistry, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Teaneck, N.J. He has written extensively, including a book, "Formative Forces in Crystallization."
Dr. Pfeiffer was director of the Biochemical Research Laboratory, Threefold Farm, Spring Valley, N.Y. and taught nutrition at the School of Dentistry, Fairleigh, Dickinson University, Teaneck, N.J. His life interest was the study of growth in any form.
His academic study was done at Technical College, Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Basel in Switzerland, where he also did graduate work in chemistry and physical chemistry
Pfeiffer was always interested in combining basic research with practical application and demonstrating his points of view by practicing them. Therefore, he not only operated a biochemical research laboratory (the first one in Switzerland) but, at the same time, became the director of the N.V. Cultuur Mij., Loverendale in Holland from 1926 to 1938, a company which operated several large farms (800 acres) and gradually built up greenhouses (2% acres), a truck garden (21 acres) and a food processing business, including a flour mill and bakery. Part of the buildings and all the greenhouses were destroyed during the war, but the buildings were built up again and the company continued to operate.
Pfeiffer applied the knowledge gained in the laboratory with regard to growth of plants, soil life on the farms and became an agricultural consultant, in which capacity he traveled all over the Middle and Western Europe, North Africa, Palestine and Egypt and first came to the United States in 1933. He promoted the bio-dynamic method of agriculture, which em-phasized balanced soil, humus management and organic farm-ing long before they became known in America. It was his life work to create the science of organic farming. The Loverendale bio-dynamic farming project provided some 700 families in Holland with all their daily food needs. In his studies on growth, some of the laboratory research was devoted to plant growth and soil and some to medical problems of pathological growth, such as cancer.
Pfeiffer discovered a new test method, called the sensitive crystallization method, to detect abnormal conditions in the human blood, but also useful in quality testing of plants. This method was first published in 1930; medical application was made in 1935. From 1938 to 1940, Pfeiffer worked at the Hahneman Hospital and Medical College as research associate to demonstrate the application of this method as a diagnostic means in the study of cancer. He published a paper at the Third International Congress of Cancer in 1939 and received an honorary medical degree from the Hahneman Medical College in Philadelphia in recognition of his research work.
From 1940 to 1943, he was manager of Kimberton Farms and the Kimberton Farms Agricultural School in Phoenixville, PA. In 1944 he bought and operated his own 285 acre dairy farm in Chester, N.Y. His studies from 1944 to 1948 resulted in discovering a biological and bacteriological method to transform organic wastes, city garbage and other wastes by way of composting into valuable organic fertilizer, a method which has been given publicity all over the world. He is con-sidered to be a leading authority on compost and organic fer-tilizer production, about which he also published a textbook in this country and in Germany. Several large scale composting plants in this country, as well as in Portugal and Taiwan now operate according to his method.
In 1948 the Biochemical Research Laboratory, Threefold Farm, Spring Valley, N.Y. was founded. Here research to develop the B.D. (bio-dynamic) Compost Starter was carried out and perfected for practical application. In more recent years, Pfeiffer devoted much time to the study of protein, amino acids, enzymes and the testing of agricultural products with regard to quality and nutritious value. Several papers on the subject have been published. Some of them deal with the application of a new chromatographic method for the analysis of amino acids in urine and in foods.
Pfeiffer was also first vice-president of the International In-stitute of Clinical Physiology and of the American Academy of Nutrition. He has published many books and articles on agriculture, on organic management of farms, on compostmg and, recently, on quality food testing. Some of his books have been translated into German, Italian, French and Danish and are being published both here and abroad. He was a member of many professional and learned societies.
We have published this biography of Dr. Pfeiffer to better acquaint our friends, distributors and customers with the authority behind the chromatograms used in this article entitled, "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE." V E. IRONS. INC
EMAIL US or CALL 1-888-263-9625
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Disclaimer
Copyright © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved
istry-biotechnology article -Do you recognize the 7 early warning signs in low survival foods? - let this basic nutrition lesson plan, guide you in selecting survival foods! Medical study research looks at food in vitamins today. To correctly chart food nutritional values you must understand that nature made vitamins are a living cell tech. This nutritional analysis tool - Chromatograms database w/chromatography introduction - plus chromatography paper, chromatography software to analyze chromatography data plus live blood analysis/analysis blood cell live plus an ecosystem picture, makes the perfect ecosystem lesson plan - find out what benefit biotechnology food today lacks!
The Chromatogram has been used in urine analysis since 1944 but in 1953 Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer M.D., internationally known soil expert perfected it for graphically demonstrating hidden differences in soils. He knew that frequently two soils might have almost identical chemical analysis but differ widely in biological values such as yield, quality of protein, and seed germination (reproductive value).
Click on any of the pairs below to view larger images and to read full descriptions.
 Soil
 Corn--young green leaves
 Oats--young green leaves
 Sugar - Refined / Raw brown
 Sugar - Glucose / Molasses
 Flour
 Milk
 Soft Drink / Juice
 Margarine / Butter
 Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid / Acerola
 Vitamin E - Tocopherol / Wheat Germ Oil
 Vitamin A - Refined / Cod Liver Oil
 Vitamin B - Synthetic / Natural
 Vitamins Mixture - Synthetic / Natural
 Supplement - So-called "Natural" / Natural
Its value rests upon the property of certain specially manufactured filter papers, through which individual fractions of a certain substance may be separated, then in turn be made visible by means of a reagent. The resulting picture allows interpretation through distinct difference in color, rings, spike like forms, etc. as related to qualitative and biological values. These interpretations can be made by anyone who studies them carefully working from a chromatogram of the well known live product to the one under interpretation.
Having perfected it for differentiating soils, Dr. Pfeiffer then found it worked equally well in differentiating values between two foods or two vitamins which might chemically analyze almost identical yet have widely different biological and qualitative values.
In Nature not only does every living thing have a purpose but its juice (an extract is made) displays a definite PATTERN in a chromatogram, whether it be a grain of wheat, a drop of milk, an apple, egg or blade of grass, the fresher the product the greater the biological activity and the more prominent the enzyme formations. But an inorganic mineral, chemical or synthetic vitamin show only varied colored rings but no definite pattern, for they are inert.
In the circular the reader will see chromatograms illustrating differences for SOILS, FOODS, and VITAMINS. Chemically treated soils or products grown thereon are contrasted with organically treated soils or products grown thereon. Some well known foods that have been refined, pasteurized, fragmented or synthesized are compared with corresponding products left as Nature made them. We illustrate the intrinsic biological difference between synthetic man-made vitamins with the inorganic minerals so frequently added and Natural Vitamins with their many synergists organized and balanced in Nature's Laboratory.
The Chromatograms show that Nature does SOMETHING that man cannot duplicate. Even when the chemical analysis is identical, that SOMETHING IS STILL THERE.
When Orthodox Nutrition recognizes these DIFFERENCES and the inadequacy of man's puny efforts to duplicate Nature, the nutritional welfare of our people will be inestimably bettered.
NOTE: As noted above, various so-called experts in the nutri-tional field may disagree with some of the conclusions reached herein, and some conclusions may be considered as contrary to the consensus of current expert opinion. Nevertheless, based upon our own experience and upon the opinions of the experts cited, we believe such conclusions to be sound, and the experts cited to be well-qualified in their respective fields. V. E. IRONS, INC. by V. Earl Irons
We are indebted to Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer and his staff in their Biochemical Research Laboratory, Spring Valley, New York for the infinite care and patience in developing these Chromatograms.
Top of page
Essay on Nutrition
Chromatogram Samples
What is a "Chromatogram?"
Biography of Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Essay on Nutrition
The past 75 years have given us autos, movies, electricity, radio, television, airliners, radar, guided missiles, jet propulsion, and interplanetary orbiting -- more scientific progress than in the entire previous world's history. But, it is discouraging to realize that man has devoted so much of his creative talents to things outside himself and so little to 'KNOW THYSELF'.
The success of the vast technological advancements of the past 75 years has been made possible because man has followed NATURAL LAWS accurately in things OUTSIDE himself. Why doesn't he do like-wise for the INNER man?
For 80 years man has stuck to the calorie theory, which compares his body to a furnace or chemical laboratory requiring oxygen, proteins, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, and more recently vitamins and minerals. But, has this theory actually increased his physical or mental efficiency after 50 years of age? For example, statistics indicate a 60 year old man has only about 1.7 years more life expectancy now than 100 years ago. Yet, the "Healthy Hunzas", who know nothing about calories, proteins, starches, or vitamins, reportedly have no difficulty living from 90 to 120 years of age, maintaining in many instances perfect 20/20 vision at 100, still possessing physical stamina at 90 equivalent to ours at 40 or 50, according to Dr. Banik who visited "Hunza" land. These healthy people live on Natural unrefined, unsweetened, unprocessed, unfragmented, and unpasteurized foods grown on healthy, live, organic soil. But, in America today those eminent scientists who can produce for us televisions, radars, movies, build a sputnik that will orbit the moon, or replace the valves of a human heart with plastic ones, still seem to die at the same rate and age as the average layman. Is it because man believes in Abiogenesis-" the theory of the production of living from non-living matter" instead of believing in Biogenesis -"the doctrine that living things are produced only from living things?"
Is it because he believes in Natural Science for things OUTSIDE himself, but for the INNER MAN he thinks that dead refined foods, dead synthetic vitamins and dead inert materials are as beneficial as live NATURAL FOODS with their live vitamins and organic minerals, all organized by the sun, rain, water, minerals, and the soil's living bacteria. THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE and the chromatograms show it.
Orthodox Nutrition as taught in many schools, colleges, and direct to the public through some avenues of radio, TV, and the press, reflects a reliance on Abiogenesis because it depends on a chemical analysis to determine food values. But, it is fundamental that live organic Natural Foods must be killed (and thus rendered dead and inert) to be chemically analyzed. Hence, they may show up as chemically identical to a synthetic food or vitamin. But, the chromatogram SHOWS THE DIFFERENCE.
As a nation we are led to believe by some so-called scientific writers that we are one of the healthiest nations on earth, that we can efficaciously eat anything advertised and offered for sale. We are told by these writers that LIVE NATURAL FOODS are no better than fragmented, refined, processed or chemically treated foods.
Thus, we try to raise healthy sturdy children on pasteurized milk and are told that pasteurization of foods is one of the great boons to civilization. Yet, no farmer has ever been able to raise a calf well on pasteurized milk. A child will develop scurvy if fed only pasteurized milk, but will not if fed raw whole milk. Dr. Pottenger's 10 year experiment on 900 cats showed that cats fed only cooked meats or pasteurized milk developed multiple degenerative diseases, becoming extinct with the third generation, while those fed raw meat or raw milk lived generation after generation in health, producing large healthy litters. WHAT A DIFFERENCE.
All live Natural Foods have enzymes yet some so-called experts maintain that enzymes are unnecessary because the human body makes its own. The whole effect of mass production to feed a vast population is to destroy the enzymes in our foods, in an effort to insure that they will not spoil in transportation or storage. Hence, Orthodox Nutrition conveniently ignores these minute live particles in our foods. However, other experts have indicated the necessity of enzymes. WHY not investigate THE DIFFERENCE for yourself?
We have been told by some so-called experts that synthetic Vitamins are as beneficial as the Vitamins in Natural Foods. Some so-called experts even claim they are identical. Other authorities, such as A. J. Carlsonof Chicago, Dr. Baron Chow of Johns Hopkins, Ed. Mellanby of England, C. A. Elvehjem and W. A. Krehl of Wisconsin, Agnes Fay Morgan of California, and an official publication of the U. S. Army maintain that synthetic man-made vitamins can never take the place of the vitamins as found in Natural Foods. Our Food and Drug Administration at one time assented to this view. Yes, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE and the chromatograms show it.
Many so-called experts still insist that IN-ORGANIC minerals are as nutritionally ef-fective as the ORGANIZED minerals Nature puts in our foods. If this is true then why can't we all be readily free of all mineral de-ficiency, because every mineral is available and very cheap in its inorganic form. However, new evidence indicates that both vita-mins and trace minerals, to be beneficially effective, must be bound up in Enzyme systems. Enzymes are found only in raw, fresh Natural Foods. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE as shown by the chromatograms.
Many scientific articles have set forth the deficiencies of white sugar, yet Orthodox Nutrition has failed to come out openly against it and in favor of old fashioned raw sugar or molasses. BUT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. See for yourself.
Harvey W. Wiley, M.D., father of our Pure Food Laws, was strongly opposed to synthetic sugar made from corn starches, hydrochloric and other acids, and known commercially as glucose or dextrose. He predicted adverse effects on the pancreas unless it was banned. However, its backers were able to procure some so-called scientists who maintained these synthetic substitutes were just as good as honey because their chemical analysis was the same. Orthodox Nutrition thus accepts these products. But they are not natural and the chromatograms show it.
Nearly all agricultural colleges and agents now recommend using chemical fertilizers to increase yield. Neither they nor many so-called nutrition experts disclose that the quality of the food grown with chemical fertilizers can be inferior in quality to that grown with Natural methods used by most farmers prior to 1930. But, the chromatogram SHOWS THE DIFFERENCE, both in the soil and in foods grown thereon.
Essay on Nutrition
Chromatogram Samples
What is a "Chromatogram?"
Biography of Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Hunza Land, by Dr. Allen E. Banik, Whitehorn Pub. Co., Long Beach, Calif.; also his published lectures. Back
By 'dead' is meant non-perishable, inert cell structure, devoid of ENZYMES. Back
By 'live' is meant perishable, capable of fermenting, souring, rotting, developing a bad odor, moulding, attractingweevils, moths, bugs and mice, i.e., thus still containing living tissue and Nature's ENZYMES. Back
Progressive Medicine, Vol. 4, p. 325, and Writings of Albert Hesse (Chas. C. Thomas, Vol. 1, p. 457). Back
Francis M. Pottenger, M.D., F.A.C.D. of So. Calif. University, Oral Surgery, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 467485, August 1946, and 'What's New in FARM SCIENCE,' Univ. of Wisconsin, Nov. 1938, p. 84. Back
Journal of Physiology, London 1949, Vol. 109, pp. 488-533, and State College of Washington, 'Influence of Water-Treatment on Nutritional Value of Barley,' Society for Exper. Biology and Medicine, 1957, Vol. 95, pp. 249-5 1. Back to "enzymes"Back to "Mellanby"
Carlson, A.J., Science 97, April 30 8 May 7, 1943. Back
Drug Trade News, Mfg. Section, Oct. 1, 1949. Back
Imbalance and Dietary Inter-relations in Nutrition, American Medical Association Handbook of Nutrition. 2nd Edition, 1951, pp. 384-385. Back
Science, March 14, 1941. Back
U.S. Army Nutritional Manual, 1949. Back
Federal Register, 8:9170, July 3, 1943. Back
McElroy, Dr. Wm. P., Director of the McCullom Pratt Institute, Johns Hopkins University before Nat. Academy of Science, Wash., D.C. Back
History of a Crime Against the Food Law by Harvey W. Wiley, pp. 300-328, reproduced by Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Back
Clayton, R.A. and Strong, F.H.: New Solvent System for Separation of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, August 1954, page 1362. Amino Acids Metabolism and a New Test for Amino Acids in the Urine by E.E. Pfeiffer, Spring Valley, N.Y. and other references therein. Back
Dr. Pfeiffer majored in chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland. In 1939, he was awarded an honorary M.D. degree by Hahneman Medical College. From 1948, he was in research as director of Biochemical Laboratory of Spring Valley, New York. He was agricultural consultant to firms here and abroad and taught nutrition at the School of Dentistry, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Teaneck, N.J. He has written extensively, including a book, "Formative Forces in Crystallization."
Essay on Nutrition
Chromatogram Samples
What is a "Chromatogram?"
Biography of Dr. Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Dr. Pfeiffer was director of the Biochemical Research Laboratory, Threefold Farm, Spring Valley, N.Y. and taught nutrition at the School of Dentistry, Fairleigh, Dickinson University, Teaneck, N.J. His life interest was the study of growth in any form.
His academic study was done at Technical College, Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Basel in Switzerland, where he also did graduate work in chemistry and physical chemistry
Pfeiffer was always interested in combining basic research with practical application and demonstrating his points of view by practicing them. Therefore, he not only operated a biochemical research laboratory (the first one in Switzerland) but, at the same time, became the director of the N.V. Cultuur Mij., Loverendale in Holland from 1926 to 1938, a company which operated several large farms (800 acres) and gradually built up greenhouses (2% acres), a truck garden (21 acres) and a food processing business, including a flour mill and bakery. Part of the buildings and all the greenhouses were destroyed during the war, but the buildings were built up again and the company continued to operate.
Pfeiffer applied the knowledge gained in the laboratory with regard to growth of plants, soil life on the farms and became an agricultural consultant, in which capacity he traveled all over the Middle and Western Europe, North Africa, Palestine and Egypt and first came to the United States in 1933. He promoted the bio-dynamic method of agriculture, which em-phasized balanced soil, humus management and organic farm-ing long before they became known in America. It was his life work to create the science of organic farming. The Loverendale bio-dynamic farming project provided some 700 families in Holland with all their daily food needs. In his studies on growth, some of the laboratory research was devoted to plant growth and soil and some to medical problems of pathological growth, such as cancer.
Pfeiffer discovered a new test method, called the sensitive crystallization method, to detect abnormal conditions in the human blood, but also useful in quality testing of plants. This method was first published in 1930; medical application was made in 1935. From 1938 to 1940, Pfeiffer worked at the Hahneman Hospital and Medical College as research associate to demonstrate the application of this method as a diagnostic means in the study of cancer. He published a paper at the Third International Congress of Cancer in 1939 and received an honorary medical degree from the Hahneman Medical College in Philadelphia in recognition of his research work.
From 1940 to 1943, he was manager of Kimberton Farms and the Kimberton Farms Agricultural School in Phoenixville, PA. In 1944 he bought and operated his own 285 acre dairy farm in Chester, N.Y. His studies from 1944 to 1948 resulted in discovering a biological and bacteriological method to transform organic wastes, city garbage and other wastes by way of composting into valuable organic fertilizer, a method which has been given publicity all over the world. He is con-sidered to be a leading authority on compost and organic fer-tilizer production, about which he also published a textbook in this country and in Germany. Several large scale composting plants in this country, as well as in Portugal and Taiwan now operate according to his method.
In 1948 the Biochemical Research Laboratory, Threefold Farm, Spring Valley, N.Y. was founded. Here research to develop the B.D. (bio-dynamic) Compost Starter was carried out and perfected for practical application. In more recent years, Pfeiffer devoted much time to the study of protein, amino acids, enzymes and the testing of agricultural products with regard to quality and nutritious value. Several papers on the subject have been published. Some of them deal with the application of a new chromatographic method for the analysis of amino acids in urine and in foods.
Pfeiffer was also first vice-president of the International In-stitute of Clinical Physiology and of the American Academy of Nutrition. He has published many books and articles on agriculture, on organic management of farms, on compostmg and, recently, on quality food testing. Some of his books have been translated into German, Italian, French and Danish and are being published both here and abroad. He was a member of many professional and learned societies.
We have published this biography of Dr. Pfeiffer to better acquaint our friends, distributors and customers with the authority behind the chromatograms used in this article entitled, "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE." V E. IRONS. INC
Essay on Nutrition
Chromatogram Samples
What is a "Chromatogram?"
EMAIL US or CALL 1-888-263-9625
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Disclaimer
Copyright © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved