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Cleanse Programs

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Do it yourself Cleanse Programs to get you squeaky clean

You can use our programs to naturally skyrocket your personal health and energy. For 31 years Dr Betsy has been delivering these incredible total body detoxification and cleanse programs. Now,
Galaxy Nutrients is proud to feature her internatonally famous Bodymaker Perfect Programs - The absolute finest available in total body detoxification and cleansing.

About The Bodymaker Deep Cleanse process 

WHY do a cleanse?

Because you know you can feel better!

The reason you're here right now is that you know you can feel better. And you probably feel like you're missing out on what could be the best years of your life, right? You just plain don't feel as good as you used to, do you? Well, that can change very soon, and forever, by following the right program for health.

The Bodymaker Perfect Program is a series of Total Body Detoxification and Cleanse Programs created specifically for people like you. - scores of clients report never having felt so good from any other health products or programs.

Read their successes:

"I am in awe of this regimen. In just thirty days I have given myself a huge boost in general health. I found myself with renewed energy and drive to accomplish objectives."
-Michael R. Clark
                              Sacramento, California

"There is nothing like this all-inclusive program!
  -Linda O'Connelly
                               Keppler Chiropractic
                               Sacramento, California

"This program alloowed me to lose 32 pounds in a little over one month. I flushed out 50-100 gallstones. Now I am not tired during the day and my energy level is incredible."
-Dr. Ronald Michalski
                              Wauwautosa, Wisconsin

I had done numerous fasts and purification's over the years. However, nothing matches the comprehensivenesss of this cleanse-I got rid of 24 pounds after a month long cleanse. I would gladly endorse and encourage anyone to do this excellent program"
  -Dr. David  W. Muris  O.D.

"Over the past four years I have personally supervised over 500 Cleanses; and have done several myself. I have found the methodology and result to be excellent. My patients consistently lose weight, look and feel better."
-Dr. Ronald Gilbert
                               Clearwater, Florida

"This cleanse was totally doable and did not interfere with things I needed to get done.The results of the cleanse were tremendous. My body felt 15 years younger by the time I finished.
                             Clearwater, Florida

"I'm stronger! My back pain has gone down to almost nothing. Yesterday my friend said you look ten years younger!"
                          -Linda McGinley

"My energy levels increased dramatically, and I feel like I am 18 again.I can never explain in words what benefit this has been for me and my life"
-Dr. Thomas F. Burlage
                          Wauwautosa, Wisconsin


"All the good food that may be eaten cannot do the body any good until you have eliminated and cleansed the body of excess waste acids and mucous. The intestines retain these poisons and they are one of the main causes of old age"   

 -   Jethro Klaus,
Back to Eden

Nothing Compares!

Maybe you have already tried everything "under the sun" when it comes to health, diet and feeling great. Maybe you have given up hope that you could ever truly reach your personal health ideals, or…Maybe you are already doing pretty good and even great ...yet you still enjoy challenging yourself with health enhancement programs…..

Whether used during illness or during health - to simply have even more energy and  health - Nothing else compares to the amazing benefits gained from properly conducted internal cleansing.

Safe – Effective – Easy!

A toxic body is similar to an automobile that is full of carbon. It has no pep! It's clogged up. We have just the cleanses that will unclog your engine and get you revved-up and living life to the fullest!

We've designed our cleanses to be especially gentle, safe and effective. Many are easy "do-it-yourself!"

Here’s exactly what your body has been asking for!

Imagine the soothing energized ease of a body completely cleansed. You can achieve that by simply and safely eliminating toxic build-up that your body has accumulated over your lifetime. With our Total body detoxification & cleanse programs, you'll feel your cells tingling with aliveness. What a feeling!

Don't delay! Your revitalized health and energy are just a few easy steps away! You can start right now. With ten cleansing programs to choose from, there's one that will fit your lifestyle and meet your health goals.

Here are two easy steps to find the right cleanse for you.

Two Easy Steps

STEP 1: Decide whether you want to do a Do-it-yourself cleanse or a health professional supervised cleanse.

Are you in pain? Lack Pep? Need Energy? Are you suffering from a long-term chronic poor health condition or a serious illness?

As the trend in health today is moving fast towards individuals taking more and more responsibility for their own health and well being---Countless people all over the world today prefer do-it-yourself health programs. Please think about the way you personally feel and the degree in seriousness of any current health condition.

Should I Do-It-Myself?

If you're not sure about doing a cleanse on your own or if you have a long-term chronic health condition (see disclaimer*), work with a health professional who understands and is experienced in delivering all forms of cleanses.

I'd like to find out more about  The Bodymaker Cleanse professional delivered programs and do-it-yourself cleanse programs

Please send me Dr Betsy's Free
Bodymaker Cleanse 7 Day Mini Course

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STEP 2:  Show me the do-it-yourself Cleanses!

The Bodymaker Perfect Program
Do-it-yourself Cleanses

Step Two: Which do-it-yourself cleanse should I start with?

You can determine that by reading the brief descriptions below, on the 11 programs. If you are completely new to cleansing, only read the first six or seven programs (Cleanse  0 - Cleanse 5)  After reading, choose which Cleanse best fits your lifestyle and health goals, without too many alterations. No health program will work for you if it disrupts your life to a great degree because of too many fast changes. So read on and honestly look at where you would be happiest, starting.

Don't worry! After 31 years of research and cleansing experience, Dr. Betsy has very carefully developed these 11 levels---there is a perfect level for each of us at any given time of our life. Whichever program you decide to start with, you'll get great benefits---and you can do other programs any time you decide.

The program descriptions begin with the mildest option, Cleanse 0, and work up to the grand daddy of cleanses, Cleanse 7. Cleanse 8 and 9 is a specialized Liver-Gallbladder Cleanse, which can be done as an isolated Cleanse , but is usually done after completing one or more of the previous Cleanses. Level 10 is Maintenance.

Be sure to be realistic in choosing your first cleansing program. Select one that you desire and "feel ready for". You can always move up to the advanced cleanses as you and your body adjusts and you begin to realize the marvelous benefits.

Start now
Select, below, the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

Cleanse 0: Homozon Instant Program - 30 day kit   

How easy is it?
This Cleanse is very easy 
What is it?
This is an oxygenation cleanse using the original Homozon Oxygen Therapy Blass product. (OTB Products) 
What are OTB Products ?
The OTB (Oxygen Therapy Blass) Products are the most effective oral oxygenators 
found in the world today. Originating in Germany from the Institut fur Sauerstoff Heilvahfahren (Institute for Oxygen Therapy), they have been commercially available
since 1898. Their efficacy and usefulness has long been proven. There are many imitators, but none is even remotely as bio-efficient as the original OTB product line. 
Why is Homozon so different from all other mineral based oxygen therapy products?
Dr. Blass in cooperation with his German mentors from the Institute for Oxygen Therapy, Berlin , discovered a method
of bonding ozone and larger compounded oxygen groups to mineral compounds. This work documented by the University of Moscow and several other institutions relate first hand the expertise of the German scientists. The formation at room temperature of these compounded oxygen groups are what make the Oxygen Therapy Blass products so different, unrivalled and effective.


What does Homozon do?
Your health and the quality of your life depend on the available oxygen present in
every breath you take. All Oxygen therapy Blass (OTB) products (as should all oxidation/oxygenation products) do what two time Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Otto Warburg

suggested for health maintenance and cancer and degenerative disease prevention. That is, plainly to increase the oxygen to the body cells,literally "flooding the body with oxygen". This in turn assists the oxidation/reduction (redox) mechanism of the cell, making for a greater efficiency and detoxification. 
Is Homozon safe for the elderly, children, pregnant mothers and animals?
Absolutely. adjusting the dosage accordingly, the benefits of HOMOZON and the Oxygen Therapy Blass line of products are realized by the young, elderly, pregnant mothers and pets. 
What can I expect while using Homozon?The first effect one can expect while taking HOMOZON is enhanced excretory function. Commonly noted also is an increase in overall energy. While the increase in bowel function never completely abates, it does ease as cellular toxicity lessens and

one remains on the product for some time. Effects do vary between individuals somewhat, but enhanced bowel function and an increase in energy are two of the most noted effects.

  How long will the "loose stool" effect continue? HOMOZON and the other OTB products do NOT cause diarrhea. Increased dose equals increased bowel function AND improved assimilation. Effects do range from a loose stool to clear water, depending on the dose. Remember this is enhanced oxidation/oxygenation NOT pathological diarrhea with its' attendant lethargy, dehydration and electrolyte depletion. HOMOZON increases assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually repairing bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving blood quality and assisting in parasite elimination.
 Technically, chemically speaking, what is homozon?The Homozon is primarily magnesium-an alkaline earth mineral with gases bonded to it via a special proprietary process.  

The gases bonded are:




Ozonides (ozone = 03)

And there are higher compounded oxygen groups like Octozone gas ( 08 )


It is not the magnesium making the loose stool – it is all the oxygen that is helping metabolism on the cellular level-helping the cells eliminate their waste matter- it is just metabolism in action-normal oxidation-reduction occurring.

The body is kept in a constant efficient state of detox when on homozon, thus preventing the  build up of unwanted toxin in the system.


Homozon is non-toxic in any quantity taken and can be taken daily . In this sense, it is a very unique product.   
The Candida overgrowth and Fungal Situation Today
The Homozon Instant Program is the ideal for Candida situations. Homozon increases assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually repairing bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving the blood quality and assisting in parasite and fungal overgrowth elimination. We have had happy customers tell us "Homozon is the only thing that ever helped " (their candida) . This is the program Dr Betsy starts all Candida patients on. What is the daily dosage of homozon and how is it taken? 

The dosage for an adult ranges from one teaspoon to several Tablespoons two to four times daily. Best taken at least 15 minutes away from food. The average maintenance dosage is 1 teaspoon to 2 Tablespoons morning (am) and  in the evening (pm). HOMOZON is best mixed into pure distilled or spring water. Follow immediately, in a separate glass, 1/2 to 1 lemon squeezed into 4 to 6 ounces of pure water. Repeated tests on the products over the past 100 years to determine their safe and efficacious usage has found that up to thirty two teaspoons can be consumed in one day with no detrimental effects noted. Dosage and frequency of usage should be regulated by your physician or natural health care practitioner. The products are non-toxic, harmless, beneficial, effective and healthful.


Homozon is non-toxic in any quantity and a unique product in that the more you take the better. (The quantity you take is simply dependent on your own personal tolerance for the increased liquid eliminations.  The most common schedule we recommend , from our experience is 1 Tablespoon - Two to Three times daily.  Be sure to follow it with a glass of lemon water .  Some with severe chronic health conditions take it up to 5-10 times daily

How much does the Cleanse 0: Homozon Instant Program cost?   

A 30 day supply is $88 and includes:
2 Homozon 150 gram canisters

This program has a schedule literally anyone can follow. The Cleanse 0 can be taken as a "stand alone" program OR combined during any of the other Cleanse Program we offer or any other successful program you currently use.

The demand for Bodymaker "Combo Starter Programs" has grown tremendously. Our 4 most popular Cleanse 0 Combo Sellers include:

Cleanse 0 and Pre-Cleanse 2 Combo ProgramCleanse 0 and Cleanse 2 Combo Program
Cleanse 0 and Cleanse 3 Combo Program
Cleanse 0 and Cleanse 4 Combo Program

In the words of Dr. Betsy,
"If you are new to cleansing OR it has been quite a while since you gave your system a good cleanse AND you want to pack a nice punch for relatively little effort---The Cleanse 0  or Cleanse 1 AND Level 2 Combo Program can't be beat- Try it! You'll love it! (and your body will thank you a thousand fold)"
 Where do I order the Cleanse 0: Perfect Instant Homozon Program?
Click Here and get started now

Select the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

Cleanse 1: Bio-Prep Program - 30 day kit   How easy is it?
This Cleanse is very easy
 What is it?This is a Biological Preparation Program (Biological = For a living organism such as a human body, Bios is Greek for "Life") designed specifically to prepare your body for maximum cleansing and healing. The purpose of this Bio Prep is to establish an optimal pre-cleanse foundation in your body cells and tissues. This foundation is set to allow for excellent future cleansing results with whichever Cleanse Levels you choose to use. Basically you are Biologically prepping your body to most efficiently detoxify and renourish itself.
And Visa versa---It is also used as a Bio Assistance Program - When someone starts a cleanse level and seems to be having and unusually challenging experience on that level, we add The Bio Prep program as Biological Assistance Program .

The Bio Prep Program uses the Primary 3 Life dependent "elements":

1. Oxygen

G4000 Homozon-The Original 1895 Oxygen therapy formula by Blass
Taken 1/4 to 3 teaspoons twice daily, a.m. and p.m.

2. Water
Get the best quality water you can obtain

Your body needs it
Drink 6-8 glasses per day (8 ounce glasses)

3. 100% Natural Mineral Electrolytes-Living Sea Minerals!

G2001 Sea Electrolytes
Slowly drink 1 ampoule 3 times per day before meals, for 20 days

What will it do?
By following this program what can I expect to feel?

The first effect one can expect while taking Homozon, plenty of water and Sea Electrolytes is enhanced excretory function. Commonly noted also is an increase in overal energy.
While the bowel function never completely subsides, it does ease as cellular toxicity decrease. Effects do vary between individuals somewhat, but enhanced bowel function and an increase in energy are two of the most noted effects

Level 1 is aimed at correcting your body's foundation - its "bottom line" cellular level.
In an all natural life perfect world, biological organisms such as the human body, always have an abundant oxygenation, hydration and mineralization status. In todays modern "civilized" life, point blank- most bodies have an oxygen, water and mineral depletion status

Your health and the quality of your life depend on the available oxygen in every breath you take. Homozon does what two time Nobel Prize Laureatte Dr. Otto Warburg suggested for health maintenance, cancer and degenerative disease prevention. That is, plainly , to increase the oxygen to the body cells, literally "flooding the body with oxygen."

This in turn assists the metabolism mechanisms at the cell level, making for greater efficiency and detoxification. 


Water should be taken as often as possible during the day. Beyond Oxygen, water is the most important factor in cleansing and health. Please realize water is the Biological Solvent.

On this subject, if you haven't yet red Dr. Batmanghelidj's book: Your Body's Many Cries For Water, you are in for quite a treat. He states:
"You are not sick, you are thirsty! Don't treat thirst with medication!"

Everyone knows that water is good for the body. They seem not to know how essential it is to one's well-being. They do not know what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily need of water."

"Why are Americans overweight?
Because of a most basic confusion! They don't know when they are thirsty; and they don't know the difference between fluids and water."

What must be added to this information on the water is:
You must obtain good quality water.

Living Mineral Electrolytes

An electrolyte is a mineral whose molecules split into electrically charged particles called ions, when dissolved. The ions also known as "electrolytes" then become capable of conducting "electricity".

Most people do not realize the prime role electrolytes have in their body. Electrolytes are the "beginning of minerals in action". The point when minerals become ALIVE is when electrolytes split. A transformation begins when minerals can become active and usable in human cells, tissues and organs. All cellular structures become alive through electrolytic activity. Life BEGINS with electrolytes.1

No matter what is wrong with any body, the healing process begins with REMINERALIZATION.

How to properly and sufficiently remineralize the body on an on-going basis to allow for complete and continual healing is the challenge! Few understand the healing process at its biochemical level ---its a process of remineralization and it must be continual for full repair to occur. Hence, ANYTHING that interferes with REMINERALIZATION interferes with the healing process. That's a basic datum that answers an awful lot of confusions in healing today---if understood in its infinite of applications.

Water is the mineral carrier and we absorb the minerals more efficiently when they are dissolved in liquid than we do from foods.

Drinking water, once our most important source of minerals, is now an insignificant contributor to our daily intake because it no longer comes directly from lakes or streams; by the time it reaches us it is almost as processed and "de-natured"as our foods!

Water running over rocks picks up minerals and the swirling of the water creates vortexes which "charge" the minerals it carries. The highly processed water running through pipes and into our faucets hasn't got a spark of electrical energy left in it. 2


As of late, the medical notion of a biological terrain has been gaining ground and is now considered as a key factor in the search for the primary causes of illness and the establishment of a treatment that is not only symptomatic or pain-relieving, but also truly curative.

The word "terrain" has been borrowed from agriculture. It is well-known that the soil is NOT just a lifeless material that crops grow on , but that it's mineral composition, microbial life structure, pH, etc..dramatically affect the health of the crops growing on it.

Similarily, it is now increasingly recognized that the biologcial terrain of an individual human body dramatically affects the health of the cells and organs that live in it! The terrain condition of a biological organism, such as the human, may predispose the body to various disease or health developments.

The Biological Terrain is defined as:

The internal environment of the human body composed of various organic (living) fluids:
--Interstitial Tissue=the fluid tissue layer that bathes and surrounds every cell of the body

The biological terrain makes up 25-30% of the body weight!

It is this internal environment which provides the cells with all the materials required for their survival and activity. It is also in this matrix that they release their waste products. The internal environment is the focusing point of the regulatory mechanisms of the body. All these complex mechanisms interact to ensure a homeostasis (balanced) maintanence of the internal environment: 

-maintanence of normal pressure ranges
-maintanence of normal pH ranges
-maintanence of adequate Oxygen levels -Carbon dioxide release
-maintanence of normal temperature
-maintanence of adequate blood sugar levels and more!

To maintain a healthy body, homeostasis must be kept constant; thus a living balance is continously reconstructed in the face of modifications due to the surrounding metabolism (the constant build up and breakdown of the cells of the body)

A healthy organic (living) terrain is the basis of health and conversely diseases develop on a depleted or congested terrrain.

The Biological terrain concept is the most valuable advanced breakthough in the field of natural health today.

In it's Simplicity

The Cleanse 1: Bio Prep Program , in its simplicity, is the undercut level that Dr. Betsy created to address our situation of today:

A widespread humankind condition of basic dehydration, demineralization, fungal overgrowth with severe malnourishment states at the cellular level---a severe energy depleted condition with "all-used up" tissue reserves.

Nourishment-wise, the bodies of today are generally just not "getting what they used to get " --Today, in order to cleanse properly, some energy and nutrient reserves must first be deliberately made available or the body just won't let go of its waste -The nourishment/waste exchange mechanisms are out of sync--Our biological terrain begs repair---and that's where the Bio Prep Program comes in.

In summation, the Bio Prep program targets to reestablish , on the cellular level, your body's first 3 living requirements-Oxygen, Water and Living Mineral Electrolytes. These are your body's natural terrain foundation needs.

In the ideal, untampered, natural "perfect world"-perfect Oxygen, Water and Living Mineral electrolytes would be plentifully received on a continual daily basis. Beyond these primary basics, the body does have other requirements, other nutritional factors, its secondary needs. On the Level 1-Perfect Instant Program, you'll begin to replenish these.

How much does the Bio Prep Program cost?

A 30 day supply is $171.40 and includes:

2 Homozon 150 gram canisters
2 Sea Electrolyte cartons-30 ampoules each

The Bio Prep can be taken as a "stand alone" Program OR combined during any of the other Level Programs.
The demand for "Combo Starter Programs" has grown tremendously. Our 4 most popular Bio-Prep Combo Sellers include:

Cleanse 1 and  Pre-Cleanse 2 Combo Program
Cleanse 1
and Cleanse 2 Combo Program
Cleanse 1 and Cleanse 3 Combo Program
Cleanse 1
 and Cleanse 4 Combo Program

In the words of Dr. Betsy,
"If you are new to cleansing OR it has been quite a while since you gave your system a good cleanse AND you want to pack a nice punch for relatively little effort---The Cleanse 0 or Cleanse 1 AND Level 2 Combo Program can't be beat- Try it! You'll love it! (and your body will thank you a thousand fold)"

Where do I order the Bio Prep Program?
If you grasp the power of laying a good foundation , this is exactly it---the 3 most elegant, highest in quality forms, of life's required foundational substances - Galaxy Nutrients specially imports these liquid minerals all the way from the deep pristine waters of Celtic Sea --none compare!

Click Here and get started now

Select the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

Pre-Cleanse 2: The Pre-Primer Program

How easy is it?
This Cleanse Level is Very Easy

What is it?
This Cleanse has a very light schedule. It gives a "cleansing newcomer" the chance to start getting some results on a very easy transition and learn more about effective nutrition, health and cleansing particulars before moving on to the more advanced cleanses The Pre-Cleanse 2 Program uses two key supplements that are taken five times per day. In the beginning you start at the lower quantities and then you work up to the level that meets your personal needs.

G3001 Springreen Tablets
3-40 tablets , 5 times per day

G3006 Springreen Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets
1-3 tablets, 5 times per day

What will it do?

By following this program what can I expect to feel?

On The Pre-Cleanse 2 / Pre-Primer Program, you will be giving your cells maximum energy with these #1 Real Protein and Energy Tablets.

Pre-Cleanse 2 is aimed at beginning to replenish your cells that have depleted nutrient reserves—this can easily result due to today’s excessive stress and devitalized diet. Once the cells are plentifully replenished, they will be "more willing" to "let go of old, toxic, useless stored waste and debris. Hence, the natural cleanse process in your cells will activate.

For an extra cleanse power boost that is so easy, its amazing - combine Program 0 or 1 WITH Pre-Cleanse 2. Especially perfect for those who travel alot or just about anyone who has a very business schedule , no extra time and yet wants to somehow get some extra powerful good cleansing benefits, irregardless!

After much experience, we are now careful to never underestimate the power of this Pre-Cleanse 2 Program, to detox the cells!

We have seen some people who try to take the higher quantities, too quickly and start detoxing so fast that they have to "back down" to just 3 tablets a day until some of the toxic material that they pulled out of their tissues, gets a chance to clear out of the blood stream through the body’s natural elimination channels. Then they were able to gradually work up to higher quantities again and maintain the high level very well. The moral of this story is that these tablets are the most potent on the market---so please gauge yourself. We recommend you start slowly and work your way up to the higher quantities, when you feel comfortable.

What will happen is that as a lot of the toxic tissue is clearing out, your body will gradually begin to handle higher quantities of nourishment and instead of shunting the nourishment into total cleansing---the extra nourishment will begin to be utilized for tissue repair and rebuilding and your metabolism will be able to increase in function…yes….more and more energy for you!

You do not have to take "100- 200" tablets per day---most people have reported feeling best at the ranges of 10-100 per day of the greens tablets . It just depends on what condition your body is in and what you are desiring to accomplish. Some people move into the higher quantities because they prefer to use the greens as in-between meal snacks---some even take them as a meal! Works great for a quick low-calorie high quality energy pick up---wonderful for traveling too!

Be sure to drink plenty of water while on this program as well as ALL the programs. Six to Eight-8 ounce glasses per day is the absolute MINIMUM.

You will need high quality water, to receive maximum benefits.

Springreen Green Tablets and Beets are THE most active living whole food concentrates available. These are the originals and still remain the highest integrity.

No nutritional company has ever produced a product of a like kind that can truly compare to Springreen Green's and Beets.

These products are like a "miracle in a bottle".
Remember to carry them in your purse, briefcase, knapsack...wherever you go. Safeguard your body from the junk food world. Just pop a handful of Springreen in your mouth -- stay healthy and happy. No more sugar ups and downs!

How much does it cost?

A 14 day supply is $114.21 and includes:

1 bottle of G3001 Springreen Tablets
1 bottle of G3006 Beet Tablets

A 28 day supply is 228.42 and includes:

2 bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets
2 bottles of G3006 Beet Tablets

In addition, depending on the quantities of green tablets you "work up" to taking, you may want to order additional bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets.  This varies from person to person. For some, 1 bottle of each  is plenty enough for the first 14 days.  There is no "right or wrong" pace--listen to yourself and do the approach you desire. However, regarding the Beet tablets, do not exceed the pace of 1 bottle of beets per each 14 days. The beets have a very direct effect on the liver and could produce uncomfortable detox symptoms if the quantity consumed is too much too fast.

Where do I order it?
If this appeals to you, get ready, you are in for a wonderful treat

Pre-Cleanse 2 - 14 day supply:
Click Here and get started now

Pre-Cleanse 2 - 28 day supply:
Click Here and get started now

Select the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

#Cleanse 2: The Perfect Primer Program

How easy is it?
This Cleanse Level is Easy

What is it?
This Cleanse adds a few additional steps to the Pre-Cleanse 2: Perfect Pre-Primer schedule described above---yet still with this Cleanse 2, the schedule is Easy - literally anyone can follow. Cleanse 2 is the most common program we sell to Galaxy Nutrients Cleanse Programs "newcomers"— It is  met with great success---we have countless satisfied customers on this one!

The famous Nobel Prize recipient, Dr. Alexis Carrell, took small pieces of heart tissue from a chicken embryo to produce one of the most remarkable experiments in medical history. He attempted to demonstrate that under suitable conditions, the living cell could live a very long time, perhaps indefinitely.

The heart tissue was immersed in a nutrient solution from which it obtained its food. Likewise, waste material was secreted into this same solution. Everyday the solution was changed, taking away waste substances and providing fresh nutrients. It is amazing to report that this chicken heart tissue lived for 29 years in this fashion. The lifespan of a chicken normally is only 5-7 years!!! It died one day when the assistant forgot to change the metabolized polluted fluid! In other words, autointoxication claimed this great masterpiece of experimental scientific investigation.

Said Carrell of this experience. "The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cell something upon which to feed and, so far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever."

The theme of this Cleanse 2 Perfect Primer Program is cleanse and nourish the cells!

Cleanse 2 is a very effective program, but still easy enough that you won't feel like you have to make significant lifestyle changes to do it. The beauty of Cleanse 2 is that it makes the transition from today's diets and lifestyles, smooth and natural. It's especially good for individuals who have done little or no cleansing before.

This program includes a kit with the following products: Springreen intestinal cleanser, Montmorillonite detoxificant, herb tablets, Springreen Green Tablets and Beet Tablets.

On this program you'll be taking the Montmorillonite and Psyllium twice daily--- morning and evening , the Springreen Greens and Beets , five times daily and the herb tablets as needed. You will need to drink at least Six to Eight, 8 ounce glasses of good water per day. Soon you'll begin noticing some amazing changes. These products are non-toxic in any quantity, so you can keep doing this program forever...if that's how long you want to feel good!

You will not be required to make many dietary changes---however when you order this program we include a list of dietary suggestions to boost the power of Level 2 to even greater heights! You may include whichever dietary changes you prefer to make and also as you go along on the program you can keep adding more changes at a pace that fits with your lifestyle, health needs and health goals.

Here is a list of the key highlights of The Perfect Primer Schedule:
When you order the program---this information plus more, will be included in a easy to follow daily checklist format

Cleanse Drink

This will be taken twice daily - First thing in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach and at night about 1 hour before bedtime.

How to prepare each Cleanse Drink:
  1. Pour 1-2 inches of fresh apple or orange juice (unpasteurized) into a pint jar or blender jar. This is to prevent the mixture from jelling too quickly and to give your drink flavor, although the juice is not necessary and may be skipped.
  2. Add at least 10 ounces of water
  3. Add 1-2 tablespoons of G3008 Montmorillonite Detoxificant
    (The more the better , and if you are over 150 pounds you should definitely take 2 tablespoons)
  4. Add 1 heaping teaspoon of G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
    Put the cover on the jar tightly and shake vigorously for 12-15 seconds or blend well in a blender for 10 seconds.
  5. Drink this mixture quickly----it tends to gel up very fast.

About the Montmorillonite Detoxificant

This is the highest quality clay-derived from volcanoes. It is suspended in water. It is very useful in adsorbing toxic substances. (It is negatively charged and thus attracts positively charged particles from the entire digestive canal---from mouth, through stomach, through intestines and large colon. It can adsorb 40 times its own weight in toxic substances. It acts like a sponge, mopping up undesirable debris. The clay is very soothing to an irritated bowel.

About the Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser

A Fine powder of a special grade of Psyllium imported from the Himilayas which contains both the seed and the husk. This special grade is the most active psyllium we have found. The material holds moisture well and attaches itself to the mucous lining making it soft and loose so it will move away from the bowel wall. This is a very important ingredient to the success of the cleansing.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Immediately follow the Cleanse Drink with at least 8 ounces of water with an added 1-2 tablespoons of Organic raw unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar---You can pick a bottle of this up at any fine health food store---We especially like the Braggs brand.

Apple Cider Vinegar is very high in potassium and is good for relieving any toxic mucous or catarrhal conditions. It helps to provide needed nutrients to muscle tissue. Natural potassium supports the heart, cleans up bladder infections and aids in changing the bowel flora toward the friendly side. It is also good for those who are trying to reduce weight---it helps support fat break up and clear it out. Accumulations of toxins in the body may occur due to failure of detoxification systems (liver, kidney, thyroid and adrenals), or by reason of faulty metabolism (carbohydrates and proteins), as well as by the introduction of toxic materials. These may be brought about by absorption of intestinal wastes (fermentation and putrefaction). The presence of foci of infection (teeth) should also be considered. Dr. Jarvis, in his book Folk Medicines describes how cider vinegar can combat some toxins in the system.

In addition to the Twice Daily Cleanse Mixture, The Perfect Primer Program also uses two key supplements that are taken five times per day. In the beginning you start at the lower quantities and then you work up to the level that meets your personal needs.

    G3001 Springreen Tablets
    3-40 Tablets, 5 times per day

    G3006 Springreen Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets
    1-3 Tablets, 5 times per day

The final item used on the Perfect Primer is:

    G3009-Springreen Herbal Supplement tablets

Be sure not to take these too close to the time you take your Cleanse Drink. Allow at least 1 hour between these two steps.

Take 1-3 tablets with a glass of warm water at bedtime the night before starting your program and on the first two nights while on the program. After that, only take as needed. They are recommended to help purge and pre-cleanse the system to help get a very deep cleaning out of the bowels while on the cleanse.

About these herb tablets:

These are an exceptionally high grade quality of Natural Herbal extract. This is a non-habit forming laxative, which aids in the removal of packed up, bacteria waste matter that accumulates in the large colon.

What will it do---by following this program what can I expect to feel?

    As out of dirty mud-beds, gorgeous lilies grow—
    So out of bent-old-age, comes vibrant youth!
    And youth from age is not a greater miracle
    than pure white lilies growing out of mud!

From "Mysterious Catalytic Foods" by Brown Landone

Remember, Cleanse 2 is aimed at Cleansing and Nourishing----including replenishing your cells that have depleted nutrient reserves---this can easily result due to today’s excessive stress and devitalized diet. Once the cells are plentifully replenished, they will be more willing to "let go of old, toxic, useless stored waste and debris. Hence, the natural cleanse process in your cells will activate.

On The Perfect Primer program, you will be giving your cells maximum energy with the #1 Real  Protein and Energy Tablets: Springreen Greens tablets and Whole beet tablets.

After much experience, we are now careful to never underestimate the power of this Perfect Primer program, to detox the cells

We have seen some people who try to take the higher quantities, too quickly and start detoxing so fast that they have to "back down" to just 3 tablets a day until some of the toxic material that they pulled out of their tissues, gets a chance to clear out of the blood stream through the body’s natural elimination channels. Then they were able to gradually work up to higher quantities again and maintain the high level very well. The moral of this story is that these tablets are the most potent on the market---so please gauge yourself. We recommend you start slowly and work your way up to the higher quantities, when you feel comfortable.

What will happen is that as a lot of the toxic tissue is clearing out, your body will gradually begin to handle higher quantities of nourishment and instead of shunting the nourishment into total cleansing---the extra nourishment will begin to be utilized for tissue repair and rebuilding and your metabolism will be able to increase in function…yes….more and more energy for you!

You do not have to take "100-200" tablets per day---different people have reported feeling best at the ranges of 10-200 per day of the greens tablets . It just depends on what condition your body is in and what you are desiring to accomplish. Some people move into the higher quantities because they prefer to use the greens as in-between meal snacks---some even take them as a meal! Works great for a quick low-calorie high quality energy pick up---wonderful for traveling too!

This Level 2 Perfect Primer "revs" up the cleansing process pace  a bit, from the Cleanse 1 and the Pre-Cleanse 2 Programs --yet  is still quite an easy program.

We have so many raving successes from this program, it is about time the whole world knows about it!

The first week, your body may go through some unavoidable "healing crisis" cleanse reactions ( headaches, body aches, swollen glands, tiredness…etc..) These will pass as the body clears out some of the initial major toxins. By week 2, many people begin to report feeling wonderful with much improved energy. By the end of week 3, we hear statements like this, from almost everyone : "I feel so much lighter", "My head is so much clearer feeling, I can think so much better", "I feel so much fresher and so clean inside", "I have so much energy, it is unbelievable", "I love this "…

How much does it cost?

    The Cleanse 2: Perfect Primer Kit , is $221.57
    For a 30 day supply

The rate of usage varies from individual to individual -You can reorder individual parts of the kit as they run out instead of ordering entire kits. Typically, you will not need another bottle of the herb tablets ----unless you have a severe intestinal constipation situation.

Each kit includes:

  • 1 bottle of G3001 Springreen Tablets
  • 1 bottle of G3006 Beet Tablets
  • 2 bottles of G3008 Bentonite Detoxificant
  • 2 bottles of G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
  • 1 bottle of G3007 Herb Tablets

In addition, depending on the quantities of green tablets and beets you "work up" to taking, you will most likely want to order additional bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets. This varies from person to person. In 30 days, the average person uses an additional 1-2 extra bottles of Springreen Tablets and 1/2 to 1 extra bottle of Beet tablets.

Is this the cleanse for you?
Then get going on it!

Where do I order it?

Click Here to receive your Perfect Primer Kit
Get Started Now!

Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

Cleanse 3: The Junk Food Withdrawal Program

How easy is this Cleanse?
This is an Intermediate level—and can begin to get a bit challenging---especially if you have a fairly lengthy "junk food" diet history.

What is it?
These days-Who isn’t hooked on some kind of junk "food" or stimulant "food or drink" substance? That is what makes this Cleanse 3 program such an exciting and  popular starting point for so many people.

Just as the name implies, this program guides you, step by step, in highly researched, proper gradient, away from junk food cravings.

Actually, in this Cleasne 3 program, we take the exact same Cleanse 2 program as described above and over a 4-week period we gradually include two additional steps:

Step 1:
You will withdraw your body from Junk Foods-sugar, caffeine, artificial soda pops, sweets, pastries, fried foods, etc…

Step 2: You will be up-leveling the quality in the food you eat. We give you several tips and healthful recipe options. You may select what you want to include in your diet. You will NOT be changing your entire eating lifestyle---unless of course, that is what you are desiring. You will simply be adding improvements into your eating lifestyle, so it really works to serve you, your health needs and personal health goals.

When you order your Junk Food Withdrawal Kit of Products, in addition, with the kit, you will receive a detailed step by step Daily Health program with plenty of information and tips. The entire program is carefully laid out on a daily easy to follow checklist.

What will it do - By following this program what can I expect to feel?

Though it can be a bit challenging---especially the first 3 weeks---There are a lot of health rewards to be had, by getting yourself through this one---in fact, many experience feeling as though they have been given a fully renewed chance for a very fulfilling healthy life!

With the Cleanse 3 you win two ways. Not only do you feel great, but also this program, very gradually transitions you into a healthier diet and lifestyle. As you do the steps, the way to maintain a more balanced eating plan will become natural, especially since you will want to maintain your – well-earned new glowing healthful state.

We call this our health wonder program. You will see exactly what we mean when you do it---it is a wonder that so much health is actually available to us, if we just know how to correctly tap into it---and we certainly do!!!!  Now you will know too!

Its SO EASY- once you "get free"- you will not want to turn back to the "world of junk!" In fact, you will wonder how you ever managed to get caught in that trap!

How much does it cost?

G1003 Junk Food Withdrawal Kit, is $397.53
And provides a 30 day supply

Each kit includes:

  • 2 bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets
  • 1 bottle of G3006 Beet Tablets
  • 2 bottles of G3003 Natural Vitamin C
  • 2 bottles of G3008 Bentonite Detoxificant
  • 2 bottles of G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
  • 1 bottle of G3007 Herb Tablets

In addition, depending on the quantities of green tablets and beets you "work up" to taking, you will most likely want to order additional bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets. This varies from person to person. In 30 days, the average person uses an additional 1 extra bottle of Springreen Tablets and 1/2 to 1 extra bottle of Beet tablets.

Ready to start the Program now?
Go for it and find out...
How Healthy Can You Be!

Where do I order it?

Click Here to receive your Junk Food Withdrawal Kit
Get Started Now!

Select the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

Cleanse 4: The Allergy Relief Program

How easy is it?
This is an Intermediate level and can get challenging---especially if you have a long-standing allergy history.

What is it?
These days- more people than ever, seem to have some kind of allergy. But it wasn't always this way. Something has happened to the human condition which has caused it to become more and more sensitive to external factors--the potential allergens. This programs addresses your own systems natural immunological system for the purpose of strengthening resistance.

Just as the name implies, this program guides you, step by step, away from the most common aspects of our lifestyle today, that delete our resistance. In addition, you will be able to locate and eliminate personal food allergy items that are subtly wreaking havoc on your health.

Actually, in this Cleanse 4 program, we take the exact same Cleanse 3 program as described above and over a 4-week period we gradually include an a additional step:

Step 1:
You will withdraw your body from Junk Foods-sugar, caffeine, artificial soda pops, sweets, pastries, fried foods, etc…

Step 2: You will be up-leveling the quality in the food you eat. We give you several tips and healthful recipe options. You may select what you want to include in your diet. You will NOT be changing your entire eating lifestyle---unless of course, that is what you are desiring. You will simply be adding improvements into your eating lifestyle, so it really works to serve you, your health needs and personal health goals.

Step 3:
You will be finding out if your body has any allergies to specific foods and if so these will be eliminated from your diet.
If you already know your body’s food allergies then you are ahead of the game on this one.

If not, we will include with your Kit of Products, a detailed description on several options of how to go about discovering any food allergies that your body has. (These options range from FREE, do-it-yourself food allergy detection tests to expensive ($100-$700) fancy, very specific blood test done by special medical laboratories.

When you order your Junk Food Withdrawal Kit of Products, in addition, with the kit, you will receive a detailed step by step Daily Health program with plenty of information and tips. The entire program is carefully laid out on a daily easy to follow checklist.

How much does it cost?
  • G1004 Allergy Relief Kit, is $363.35.
        And provides a 30 day supply
  • 2 bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets
  • 1 bottle of G3006 Beet Tablets
  • 2 bottles of G3003 Natural Vitamin C
  • 2 bottles of G3008 Bentonite Detoxificant
  • 2 bottles of G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
  • 1 bottle of G3007 Herb Tablets
  • 2 bottle of G3002 Wheat Germ Oil capsules  

    In addition, depending on the quantities of green tablets and beets you "work up" to taking, you will most likely want to order additional bottles of G3001 Springreen Tablets. This varies from person to person. In 30 days, the average person uses an additional 1 extra bottle of Springreen Tablets and 1/2 to 1 extra bottle of Beet tablets.

    Where do I order it?
    Ready to start this program now?
    Congratulations--You know you deserve the best!

    Click here to take your first step!

     Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

    If you're looking for a total detoxification program that doesn't pull any punches, read on about Cleanse 5. If you are a bit "seasoned" when it comes to health, nutrition, cleansing…then you may want the challenge of our Cleanse 5 Program. We really don’t recommend starting at this level unless you have plenty of background experience in the area of Natural Health OR if you have satisfactorily completed Level 2 , 3 or 4 and feel ready to move on.

    Cleanse 5: The Springreen 7 day Intestinal Cleanse Program

    "The Springreen 7 day - Irons Cleanse Program saved my life. It it weren't for him, I would have died seven years ago."
    -George Shaffer, 79 years

    "People are aging fast today- their own internal filth is killing them!
    -Victor Irons, Founder Springreen Products Company
    -Founding Father of National Health Federation

    How easy is it?
    This Cleanse level is intermediate.

    This program, in practice for over 60 years, is the first Intestinal cleanse program 'made-famous' in the United States,and Dr Betsy has stated, "It is still the finest most efficient colon cleansing program available"

    Over 60 years of experience with fasts and cleansing has convinced us that each year the colon of the average American
    becomes more distorted. We firmly believe that unless ALL the fecal matter is removed, no amount of drugs, operations, vitamins or food supplements (including ours) will rid the body of all chronic ailments. Therefore,  the most important procedure directed toward regaining your health is COMPLETE and THOROUGH cleansing of the colon, no matter what or how long it takes. Behind this, in almost every situation exists a toxic overloaded Liver and Gall Bladder fatty buildup -- but, unless the colon gets COMPLETELY cleansed, Liver Gall Bladder flushing efforts will be "in vain".

    A seven day fast should be a MUST for everyone at least two times per year (two to seven time, the first year). Scientists have found that certain tiny water animals, alternately fed one week and "starved" the next during their entire life, lived five times longer than those fed all the time. Moderate fasting/cleansing should be a routine procedure for everyone through out life in this "modern civilized" world.

    Mr Irons was the very first to introduce a complete colon cleansing program to the U.S. public (as far back as the 1930's), even before it became popular. Great care and expense have gone into maintaining the "Life" in each Springreen product, where applicable. When you use Springreen products you are using the original products, the oldest is still the best!

    The infamous late Dr Bernard Jensen, in his book,
    Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, page 98,
    calls this program"The Ultimate
     Tissue Cleansing System
    - Unlike any other system in cleansing and regenerating the body!"

    For a Introductory Free Read of Dr Bernard Jensen's
    Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management 
    Click Here

    What is Cleanse 5: The Springreen 7 Day Intestinal Cleanse?

    This is, without a doubt, the fastest, most thorough do-it-yourself cleanse available. Also known as the Springreen 7-day Cleansing Program, this cleanse allows your body to put up the "Do Not Disturb" sign for an entire week and rest. During this program, the glands and organs of the body used for digestion, assimilation and elimination essentially "get a break" from all their labor. You will experience a modified fast for a seven-day period while the body concentrates its energies on healing itself. If a fast sounds a little extreme, let us assure you, it is perfectly safe and your body will receive all the nourishment it needs.

    Most everyone over twenty years of age has accumulated toxic material that should be eliminated. To understand this, there is a special literature kit available to you. These items of reading are must to get the full impact of what we are really talking about here. They form the foundation to the library of anyone truly interested in understanding the natural power and importance of cleansing to one's natural life.

    This Cleanse literature kit $27.50 includes:

    Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management by Dr Bernard Jensen $12.00
    Colon Health by Norman Walker $12.00
    The Destruction of your own Natural Protective Mechanism-VE Irons $2.50
    Healthview Newsletter Issue #1 interview with VE Irons $3..00
    Last Chance Health Report #10 interview with VE Irons $2.25
    Plus shipping / handling (variable depending on location)

    Click here to Order Cleanse Literature Kit

    This  clay fast gives the digestive system a needed rest. The process of elimination of dead and dying cells is speeded up, and the new cell growth is accelerated and stimulated. At the same time the toxic waste products that interfere with nourishment of the cells are eliminated.

    The psyllium seed gives slippery adhesive bulk to help loosen and dig out the old congested, solidified fecal matter. Bentonite clay is a volcanic ash and it has the ability to hold to it any positively charged compound--like a magnet. This includes: poisons, bacteria, heavy metals and even radiation.

    The montmorillonite liquid clay attracts and eliminates positively charged toxic acid debris contained in the intestines. Since Bentonite is not absorbed by the body, it passes out of the digestive system with any of the material that was attracted to its surface. It is a powerful and natural detoxifier.

    According to Dorlands Medical dictionary, "various forms of clays have ben used in medicine, both externally and internally since the earliest times." Clay is remarkable in its ability to restore deficient organs and organic functions. It aids in fixing and assimilating elements which the body previously could not do. 3

    Do you know what happens when you stop eating "regular" food for a full seven days?

    Relax, you won't starve! The nutritional supplements --concentrated "foods" prescribed on Level 5 will keep your energy up throughout the 7-day period, while the body's energy is channeled to do some much-needed "house cleaning."

    On Cleanse 5, toxic substances are literally pulled from all parts of the body and flushed out. This is why daily colonics or enemas during the Cleanse 5 are very important. Why? Because toxins that are pulled out of the system will be reabsorbed into the active bloodstream if they aren't removed quickly. This may result in a feeling of sluggishness, nausea, etc..Colonics or enemas work well for this purpose. Please read well the enema directions you will receive in your products kit. Read them a couple times until you understand the required steps. Then you are ready to begin

    Contrary to the opinion of some fasting "authorities", the temporary use of the enema during a fast is not only desirable, but highly essential.

    In addition to the instruction contained in your 7 day kit, Dr. Betsy has prepared a special e-information packet which discusses the subject of enemas, colemas and colonics.-to best understand your options. Most discover that these procedures are actually very workable. However, one should never feel forced in natural healing that they just do not feel ready for or just do not believe it is best for them to do so--for whatever reason. For those opposed to using these tools-she even has an alternative that is quite effective !

    Upon request, we are happy to email this to you the e-information packet , on Enemas, Colemas and Colonics

    To receive the FREE e-info pack:
    Enemas, Colemas and Colonics
    Click Here

    If you have done little of no fasting in your life... and still wish to start at the Cleanse 5 , you may want to start out slowly. Do a 24-hour cleanse first. Then in a couple weeks do a 3 day cleanse. If you feel comfortable with the 3 day cleanse, try for 5, or 7 days, or repeat the 3-day cleanse until you feel comfortable with proceeding for a longer duration. However, cleansing for the full 7 days will provide maximum results.

    What will the Seven Day Cleansing Program do---By following this program what can I expect to feel?
    As toxins are flushed out, away goes sluggishness, nausea and all of the many negative effects these poisons have on the body. Soon, as you become free of body pain and illness, you'll notice that life becomes not only more bearable, but significantly better!

    In terms of what to expect during your detoxification period, we can offer a few guidelines. Actually 60% of accumulated wastes will be released in the first seven days of your program, but complete healing and restoration of the body takes a number of years and breaks down into stages of 7-year increments. It will take the first seven years to completely rebuild the body in the following phases:

    • 1 day - 1 year Digestive cleansing-major fat deposits and calcifications removed
    • 1 - 2 year Deep tissue cleansing and joint cleansing
    • 2 - 5 years Bone structure, cartilage, and further joint cleansing
    • 5 - 6 years Organ re-positioning and renewal
    • 6 - 7 years Brain tissue and neurological cleansing

    Cleansing reactions may ensue as layer after layer is stripped away. But you will feel better and better as time passes. Due to the body's cellular intelligence, every part is affected by the whole. And, when one part is renewed, this leads to greater and greater integrity and harmony within the whole being.*

    *excerpt from The Hippocrates Health Program, by Brian R. Clement

    How much does it cost?

    The Springreen Intestinal Cleanse Kit is $163.91
    Included in the kit are the basic essentials to do the program:

    1 Bottle Springreen Tablets
    1 Bottle Springreen Wheat Germ Oil
    1 Bottle Natural Vitamin C
    1 Bottles Bentonite Detoxificant
    1 Bottle Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
    1 Free Sample Herbal Supplement tablets

    In addition be certain to drink lots of water to facilitate the sweeping action of the supplements.

    Where do I order it?
    Think you're body deserves it?
    Don't wait, go for it!
    Click here to begin now!

    Select  the Cleanse Program  that is right for you and get started !

    Cleanse 6: The Bodymaker Advanced Cleanse Program #1

    How easy is it?

    What is it?

    The Advanced Cleanse Program #1 is the exact same program as Cleanse 7:The Bodymaker Advanced Cleanse Program #2. The differences being:

    Advanced Program #1 is:
    Totally personalized for your health needs and goals
    Guided by a Trained Health Professional Bodymaker Cleanse Supervisor 
    The Most advanced health - changing and powerful Cleanse we offer
    A Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process
    combination of all the other Cleanses 0-10
    30-60-90 Day Program

    Advanced Program #2 is:
    The Most advanced health - changing and powerful Cleanse we offer
    A complete Do it yourself Program
    Optional: Cleanse Hotline technical support service

    A Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process
    combination of all the other Cleanses 0-10
    30-60-90 Day Program

    How much does it cost?
    Each Advanced Program #1 varies between 30-90 days.
    The average cost including product, lab work and service ranges $1400-5700

    How can I find out more about your Personalized Advanced Program #1 (Cleanse 6) ? 

    I want to find out more about The Bodymaker
    Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process #1

    Please send me your FREE
    Advanced Cleanse Program #1
    Introductory einfo pack

    Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started ! 

    Cleanse 7: The Bodymaker Advanced Cleanse Program #2

    How easy is it?

    What is it?

    The Advanced Cleanse Program #2 is the exact same program as Cleanse 6:The Bodymaker Advanced Cleanse Program #1. The differences being:

    Advanced Program #2 is:
    The Most advanced health - changing and powerful Cleanse we offer
    A complete Do it yourself Program
    Optional: Cleanse Hotline technical support service

    A Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process
    combination of all the other Cleanses 0-10
    30-60-90 Day Program

    Advanced Program #1 is:
    Totally personalized for your health needs and goals
    Guided by a Trained Health Professional Bodymaker Cleanse Supervisor 
    The Most advanced health - changing and powerful Cleanse we offer
    A Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process
    combination of all the other Cleanses 0-10
    30-60-90 Day Program

    How much does it cost?
    Each Advanced Program #2 varies between 30-90 days.
    The average cost ranges $1000-$3700

    How can I find out more specifics about your Personalized Advanced Program #2 (Cleanse 7) ? 

    I want to find out more about The Bodymaker
    Total Health & Regeneration Advanced Cleanse Process #2

    Please send me your FREE
    Advanced Cleanse Program #2
    Introductory einfo pack

    Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started ! 

    Cleanse 8: Liver Gall Bladder Prep Kit

    How easy is it?
    This Cleanse is Intermediate

    What is it?
    The single most important nutritional/physical action you can accomplish for your health is the successful complete cleansing of your Intestines, Liver and Gall Bladder.

    Many have attempted this action, and there are numerous methods promoted today....however, very few take the proper preparatory steps to achieve maximum results. After 31 years of hard-earned, trials and tribulations delivering thousands of cleanses...Dr Betsy makes mention to the important fact that "Proper preparation can make a 100% difference in the outcome - point blank."

    Cleanse 8 is designed to properly prepare your system for a maximally effective Liver Gall Bladder Flush.

    What will it do:
    leanse your intestines and prepare your Liver and Gallbladder for maximally effective flushing.

    How much does it cost?

    This 10-14 day prep kit costs $252.00 and includes:

    1 bottle G3001 Springreen Tablets
  • 1 bottle G3002 Wheat Germ Oil
  • 1 bottle G3003 Natural Vitamin C
  • 1 bottle G3008 Montmorillonite Detoxificant
  • 1 bottle G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
  • 1 free sample herbal supplement tablets
  • 2 bottles G5007 Orthophosphoric Acid
  • 1 bottle  G5008 Inositol capsules
  • 1 bottle  G5009 Choline capsules
  • FREE Bonus Daily Health Program with each kit

    To Order the Cleanse 8 Liver Gall Bladder Prep Kit

    Click Here

    Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started ! 

    Cleanse 9: Liver Gall Flush Kit

    How easy is it?
    This Cleanse is Intermediate

    What is it?
    The single most important nutritional/physical action you can accomplish for your health is the successful complete cleansing of your Intestines, Liver and Gall Bladder.

    Important: You must complete  a Cleanse 8  to properly prepare for the Liver Gallbladder flush.

    Cleanse 9 consists of a series of three to five, 2-day Liver Gall Bladder flushes.

    What will it do:
    Level 9 is aimed at restoring maximal function and health for your digestive system, by fully flushing and normalizing your liver and gallbladder structures and functions.

    How much does it cost?

    This flush  kit costs $121.30 and includes the items necessary to
    complete at least five 2-day Liver Gall Bladder flushes
    You'll get:
    1 bottle of  G2006 L-ornithine capsules
  • 1 bottle of G5002 Disodium Phosphate
  • 1 bottle of G5010 Yucca Juice Herbal Blend
  • 1 carton of 30 ampoules of Sea Electrolytes
  • 1 free sample herbal supplement tablets
  • FREE Bonus Daily Health Program with each kit

    To Order the Cleanse 9 Liver Gall Bladder Flush Kit

    Click Here

    Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started ! 

    Post-Cleanse 10 : Maintenance Nourishment and Rebuilding Kit

    I have done my now what

    What is it?

    Maintenance for after any Cleanse Program and between Cleanses.

    The great thing about the design of the Bodymaker Post-Cleanse 10 Kit , is that it continues a light cleansing all the while as it nourishes and rebuild. You're body will continue to reap benefits.

    You may adjust your maintenance program according to your own personal needs and health goals,  by adding any additional items desired, from the highly recommended list below.

    This kit is the basic minimum required to ensure you cover your body's basic foundational needs on a daily basis.

    What will it do:
    When yo
    u've completed your thorough programs, there still is still the all-important task of maintaining your new healthful states. These levels significantly advance your body into another health level, so you will need to follow an exact specific transitioning schedule for the first 3 weeks off.

    This post-transition time is a critical time and done correctly ensures the maintanence and even advancement of the benefits you just achieved!

    We'll transition you and guide you through these first 3 weeks off with your Maintenance Nourishment and Rebuilding Program to make sure you retain the optimum results . You'll be feeling fantastic and eating right naturally. You'll notice that you're enjoying life more than you have in years.

    Plus, you'll get a guide for eating the healthiest meals and snacks you've ever eaten. We will provide you with some foundation recipes that will support your health and keep your energy levels high---you will be amazed. With all those non-nutritional unnatural food cravings gone, you'll have no trouble getting on a well-balanced eating program to maintain your new healthful status!

    You'll be needing Post-Cleanse 10 support products while coming off the other Cleanse Levels. You can either order these maintenance products at the same time you order your Cleanse program/s OR order the maintenance items after you have started and are well-into your Cleanse program. Just be sure you have enough on hand so that you don't run short while transitioning off.

    The Post-Cleanse 10 Kit will give you the Basic Maintenance Program quantities you should keep on hand to get you through your post-cleanse transition. After that point, you will have enough familiarity with the products, the program and what your needs are, so that you will know what you need on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us

    The products in your Post Cleanse 10 daily maintenance program are designed to keep the fecal matter in the colon moving freely with maximum volume. Maintaining your newly achieved health level is the key factor in allowing your body to continue to reap benefits. Years of experience have proven this can be done far better and without bad habit-forming, if it is done PHYSICALLY and MECHANICALLY, rather than CHEMICALLY. Anyone of any age will benefit and his/her vitality and feelings of well-being will be enhanced by incorporating this maintenance program into a daily routine.

    In addition to keeping the channels of elimination continually open, proper nutrition of the bloodstream is of utmost importance. Everyone benefits when they incorporate the foods which have been proven for thousands of years to be basic foods of mankind, those foods which have naturally evolved simultaneously with man for his use. Foods which every known vitamin and many unknown ones, have been isolated (except Vitamin D). What better way to maintain your health than to furnish your body with the ONE FOOD that is NON-TOXIC in any usable quantity and which is positively known and proven to contain EVERY ELEMENT NEEDED in the blood of the mammal animal - Springreen tablets!

    For Post Cleanse 10 Program of Daily Maintenance, kit comes in 2 Versions,  G1010 Standard or  G1010V Vegetarian
    your 30 day Standard kit is $374.53 and includes the following : 

    1 bottle G3000 Springreen Fortified Tablets
    1 bottle G3001 Springreen tablets
    1 bottle G3002 Wheat Germ Oil
    1 bottle G3003 Natural Vitamin C
    1 bottle G3006 Whole Beet Plant Juice tablets
    1 bottle G3008 Montmorillonite Detoxificant
    1 bottle G3009 Psyllium Intestinal Cleanser
    1 bottle G3011 Springreen Enzymatic Supplement
    1 bottle G3012 Progest enzymes
    1 free herbal supplement tablets sample
    Bonus FREE Daily Health Plan and Post-Maintenance info pack

    Where do I order it?

    To Order the Level 10 Standard Maintenance Kit
    Click Here

    To Order the Level 10V Vegetarian Maintenance Kit
    Click Here

    Beyond this basic program, you may select additional items, according to your personal needs and preferences, from our highly recommended list:

    Calphonite-to ensure adequate supply for the musculoskeletal framework. Extra calcium/magnesium/phosphorus supplementation is wise for all of us. Especially all women due to the high prevalence of Osteoporosis. Liquid Calphonite is the best calcium "bone builder" Dr. Betsy has found in her 27 years! In addition, please consider adding the Cod Liver Oil to your maintenance program-The vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil is essential for maximally metabolizing your calcium intake. (1 tablespoon of Cod Liver oil -3 times per week is all that is needed on a maintenance basis

    Springreen Cod Liver Oil

    Springreen Tablets
    The basic list of one bottle allows for 12 tablets daily. Depending on your diet , and personal preference additional Springreen tablets may be desired.
    Springreen Progest
    Springreen Enzymatic Supplement
    Galaxy Nutrients Vegenzymes
    Galaxy Nutrients B12 Liver Tabs
    Galaxy Nutrients Atomic Silicon with B Complex
    Galaxy Nutrients Fatty Acid Liquetrophic
    These are the most commonly ordered additional Maintenance Products.

    A Preview look at Level 10 Post Cleanse Maintenance Lifestyle Program:

    1. Continue using the Detoxificant and Intestinal Cleanser morning and evening to insure two natural bowel movements daily.

    2. Take at least 12 Springreen Tablets The tablets can be divided as you see fit. These can be taken with or between meals with water or unsweetened juice.

    3. Eliminate from your diet anything containing bleached wholewheat or bleached and refined white flour products or refined sugars.

    4. Eliminate pasteurized dairy products

    5. . Eliminate pork from your diet. Cook red meat, if you must have it, on the rare side or better yet...steak tartare! Eggs should be eaten raw in smoothis or just slightly cooked. Broil fish on one side only or again, better yet...raw sushi.

    6. Plenty of fresh green vegetable juice, for extra minerals and enzymes, at least 1 - 12 ounces per day

    7. See that AT LEAST 50% of your food intake is fresh and RAW. Be sure to eat something RAW at each meal. Whenever you eat cooked foods--take digestive enzymes (Progest, Springreen Enzymatic, Vegenzymes

    Its as simple as that! Just back to natural!

    Now that we have presented the Bodymaker Cleanse Programs 0-10, there's no excuse, for not feeling your best!

    Start today and begin to feel better sooner than you thought possible.

    Select  the Cleanse Program that is right for you and get started !

    Plan in advance to keep that healthy glow going all through life and well in to your later years!

    Want to Know More About Cleanses?
    To receive FREE E-mails on Special Topics relating to
    Toxicity and Internal Body Cleansing Benefits
    Select, below,  those you wish us to send:

    Your Life
    How to prepare yourself for a Health Improvement Program
    The Five Channels of Elimination
    Back to Nature
    Overcoming Malnutrition with Grass
    Intestinal Toxemia
    Nature Intended the Body and Breath to be sweet and free from odor
    Fasting Builds a Natural Thermostat into the Body
    Bentonite - Montmorillonite
    Clean out your Colon-Healthview Newsletter
    Last Chance Newsletter
    Tissue Cleansing Book by Dr. Bernard Jensen- Free Intro Read
    Colon Health Book by Norman Walker-Intro Free Read
    Image of the Healthy Colon
    Mans Perversions
    Products of Indigestion
    Where Something in Addition to Food Supplementation is Desirable
    Your Protective Mechanism
    Ambulant Proctocology
    The Process of Natural Biological Healing
    No toxicity with coffee enemas
    V.E. Irons Tape Set-Hear V.E. Irons himself! -Free Intro read of tape transcription

    How much suffering must one endure in a lifetime?
    Where is the energy and vitality you had in your youth?
    Why does 60% of the population suffer from Chronic debilitating diseases?
    Is the Natural Good Life possible for us in the 21st century?
    An Honest Warning...Now is the time

    How do you feel? Disease is a Lesson
    Natures powers are infinite
    What are your reserve defenses? 
    The Secret of Making a New Body.
    Facing Facts on Toxicity and Cleansing?

    Cleansing and Detoxification has become a necessary for all of us
    Times have changed. Some signs that your body may need detoxifying
    Some of the benefits you can expect from cleansing
    The Facts

    The Bodymaker Perfect Program Cleanse 0-10, there is a perfect level for everyone.
    If you wish to to start a cleanse, and you're not sure where to start,
    Dr. Betsy has prepared a FREE special e-information pack on Cleansing , just for you!

    Do-it-Yourself Cleanse
    e-information pack
    Click Here

    Advanced Bodymaker Cleanse #6 FAQs
    Click Here

    Advanced Bodymaker Cleanse #7 FAQs
    Click Here

    Important Note: Certain persons, including so-called "experts", may disagree with one or more of the foregoing statements. In any event, the views and opinions expressed have been developed over a period of many decades.

    This information is being supplied for education purposes only and is in no way intended to replace medical advice. If you have a chronic disease or extreme ill-health, you should consult with your practitioner. These conditions must have guidance and assistance during any fasting or cleansing program. All cases are not alike in their response to detoxification. Results may vary considerably according to individual constitutions. Substitutions with other products may vary the results of these programs.

    1 Forward-Dr Bernard Jensen
    2 Electrolytes The Spark of Life-Gillian Martlew, N.D.
    3 Our Earth, Our Cure Raymond Dextreit p. 16, Swan House Publishing, Brooklyn, NY 1974

    EMAIL US or CALL 1-888-263-9625

    These statements have not been
    evaluated b
    y the Food and Drug Administration.
    These products are not intended to diagnose,
    treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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